Zozo Green Eyes
1 Google Rating
Hina Trivedi is rude, blunt, doesn't let you get a word in edgeways and really horribly patronising.
Hina Trivedi is rude, blunt, doesn't let you get a word in edgeways and really horribly patronising. You feel like crying when you walk out of the room or get off of the phone with her. When she took over my diabetes management I was hopeful. She just upped my dose of Empagliflozin from 10mg to 25mg and in the same swift move removed my testing strips and needles (which they already don't give enough of) from my prescription. I have already been having hypos on the 10mg. Worst of all she did this without consulting me and whilst seeing how thrilled I was that I was controlling it well. I am also unhappy that she put me on statins when they were clearly not needed simply because I am at risk and not because I actually suffer with high cholesterol. Needless to say I don't feel happy or SAFE staying at the clinic I have been at since I was a toddler (I am now 27) and I don't like my health being compromised in an effort to make it look like her clinic isn't haemorrhaging money in the wrong places. I will be finding a new GP and I will be complaining to a higher authority. I won't be sorry to leave this racist, rude and unaccommodating GP clinic who only wants to cater to the dominant ethnic group in the Belgrave area.