Urban Massage Studio North Perth located at 5 Scarborough Beach Rd, North Perth WA 6006, Australia

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Google Review

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Nicole Maree

5 Google Rating

5 stars most definitely, and I am sorry to see you having to deal with multiple 1 star reviews from

5/ 5

5 stars most definitely, and I am sorry to see you having to deal with multiple 1 star reviews from the same disgruntled couple. I find it hard to believe that they would cut your massage so short. If anything they gave me a little extra time for my very first remedial massage there yesterday afternoon. The therapist was very friendly and genuinely cared about my treatment. She was very thorough assessing my body and asking what areas needed extra attention. The massage was great, a combination of soothing and hard treatment to really get in to the knots and relieve tension. She even addressed muscles that had never been worked on before. The studio is very clean and smelt amazing. The background music on was great and really enhanced the relaxation. The members room was a nice added touch to wind down before or after the massage to drink some water or tea and even read a book. I can't wait to return.

Sarah Jackson

5 Google Rating

Extremely friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Instructions explained well and easy to understand. Gor

5/ 5

Extremely friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Instructions explained well and easy to understand. Gorgeous interior and very clean!

Haydon Bawden

5 Google Rating

Really enjoyed my visit! Very professional. Well set up. Have recommended to my colleagues.

5/ 5

Really enjoyed my visit! Very professional. Well set up. Have recommended to my colleagues.

Sok Lan Lim

5 Google Rating

I like the bright spacious atmosphere and a modern, herbal tea refreshments in the private waitin

5/ 5

I like the bright spacious atmosphere and a modern, herbal tea refreshments in the private waiting lounge where you can chill before your massage and to recollect yourself before you leave no hurry to rush off. The massage room is relaxing, well organised and feel clean .

Abdolhosein Hashemizadeh

1 Google Rating

My partner and I paid for 1 hour full body massage. What we got was a 40 min massage with only my ba

1/ 5

My partner and I paid for 1 hour full body massage. What we got was a 40 min massage with only my back treated. It wasn't an hour nor full body. He didn't even touch my feet. If your staff are in rush to go home soon please do not accept customers late afternoon or service them what they've paid for and deserve it. We are not satisfied with their service and do not recommend this massage studio. Do not waste your money.

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  • Saturday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Sunday09:00 AM - 07:30 PM
  • Monday09:00 AM - 07:30 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 07:30 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 07:30 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 07:30 PM
  • Friday08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
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