I attended Royal Central as an international student. I would caution anyone, particularly international students, to consider what you want from your degree before you attend this institution. While the faculty are supportive, the fees are very high with little to no professional development. I felt the emphasis was on an "academic" approach that did little to link that academic training with the practical and creative realities of making theatre. I was on the Writing course, and we produced only one full-length work in the year, and had little interaction with the other programmes --- thus having little opportunity to create work and see it up on its feet, and to develop professional networking relationships that could help develop our artistic and professional lives. I did my degree later in life, with the intent of shifting my career in the theatre industry, but Central did nothing to help me, and offered no support when I expressed interest in remaining in the UK after my degree. Despite winning a place in a theatre workshop at a prestigious London theatre, I could not stay in the UK--and Central did nothing to help. It's not necessarily their job to help, but I felt that the school was in general poorly aware of visa requirements and simply threw up their hands when I wanted guidance. I went to Central to change my life. I took on extra debt, and I got nothing for my pains -- a degree that is essentially a vanity degree and worth nothing in my home country. I advise people to look elsewhere for training.