Post Office located at 69 Churchill Square, Brighton BN1 2TE, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 775170

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Post Office brighton
Post Office brighton
Post Office brighton

Google Review

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Richard Underwood

1 Google Rating

Great, knowledgeable and hardworking staff but nowhere near enough of them‼️ Also, I don’t se

1/ 5

Great, knowledgeable and hardworking staff but nowhere near enough of them‼️ Also, I don’t see why those buying foreign currency and shops cashing in their takings should be given priority‼️I have often waited 20 minutes and longer to be served‼️This is not acceptable‼️WH Smith which runs this operation should give more priority to its Post Office operation or give it up and let someone else do it‼️However, we all know that the Post Office is what keeps it afloat‼️‼️

Vykkye Annets

3 Google Rating

The post office needs more staff. Only seems to be one miserable person working. The self use is han

3/ 5

The post office needs more staff. Only seems to be one miserable person working. The self use is handy and not normally too busy. It gets really busy so I would avoid if you have the time.

Ludovica Zallot

1 Google Rating

Not enough staff, useless opening times

1/ 5

Not enough staff, useless opening times

David Fernandez

1 Google Rating

Avoid going in lunch time. Only one lady in the counter and very long quee.

1/ 5

Avoid going in lunch time. Only one lady in the counter and very long quee.

Caroline Oliver

1 Google Rating

Well today's experience was totally abysmal. The customer service was so totally lacking apart from

1/ 5

Well today's experience was totally abysmal. The customer service was so totally lacking apart from the young man on the self service who actually tried to help and apologise for his colleagues. The counter staff were both surly and rude not just to me but to another customer and to an elderly and confused lady. All I can say is learn some basic manners and compasion on a human basic level not to mention improve your overall customer service. Very bad show and I hope WHS see this too as it reflects badly on them too!

Aidan Fuller

1 Google Rating

Always a ridiculously long queue and not enough counters open. Having visited at varying times of da

1/ 5

Always a ridiculously long queue and not enough counters open. Having visited at varying times of day the situation is the same regardless. Self service machines can only perform a handful of specific tasks meaning they are usually empty, not that this stopped two members of staff being utilised to monitor the three self-service machines on my last visit, despite only two counters open for the queue of 10+ people waiting.

Eli I

2 Google Rating

I really don't like to give bad reviews, but honestly the queues at this place are almost always aby

2/ 5

I really don't like to give bad reviews, but honestly the queues at this place are almost always abysmal. I've been using the post office for years since it's the only one open by the time I finish work. Lately it seems like most of the nice staff have left, only leaving the ones that are often grumpy and impolite. I sympathise that it must be stressful being so understaffed, but It's not an excuse to take it out on customers. The young staff there are always lovely (hense the 2 stars instead of 1) but aside from them it's often staffed by people who are snappy and clearly don't want to be there. Also, closing at 4pm at the busiest time of year??? Not ideal...

Harry Lees

1 Google Rating

Service is SLOW. Genuinely waited an hour in a 6 person queue. Staff don’t seemed rushed at all -

1/ 5

Service is SLOW. Genuinely waited an hour in a 6 person queue. Staff don’t seemed rushed at all - I normally like chilled out staff but in this case it was like they’d given up ☹️


1 Google Rating

Extremely busy, not enough staff on, and the staff that are on are sooo slooooow. DO NOT go here unl

1/ 5

Extremely busy, not enough staff on, and the staff that are on are sooo slooooow. DO NOT go here unless you like wasting your life standing in queues

Poppy Lily

1 Google Rating

Travelled some distance to use this Post Office as it opens later, on a Saturday, than our local one

1/ 5

Travelled some distance to use this Post Office as it opens later, on a Saturday, than our local one to be told they shut 3 HOURS earlier than advertised. I'm done with Royal Mail and the Post Office. They, obviously, don't care about their customers. I will stick with Hermes.

Show all timings
  • Saturday11:00 AM - 03:00 PM
  • Sunday09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Monday08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Tuesday08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Wednesday08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Thursday08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Friday08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
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