Post Office located at 82 London Rd, Brighton BN1 4JF, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0345 611 2970

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Post Office brighton
Post Office brighton
Post Office brighton
Post Office brighton
Post Office brighton

Google Review

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Body Zon

1 Google Rating

Lady in the first counter in the back of the store today was extremelly rude with no motive at all.

1/ 5

Lady in the first counter in the back of the store today was extremelly rude with no motive at all. Maybe because she's working on 31/12 and she would prefer to be somewhere else, or some other problem, but it's not customers fault she's in bad mood, appears to gossip about customers in a foreign language to other members of staff, very poor customer service. This behaviour gives RM a bad name.

Owen May-Jones

1 Google Rating

Will rip you off every time if you're exchanging currency. A few years back the woman once literally

1/ 5

Will rip you off every time if you're exchanging currency. A few years back the woman once literally tried to tell me that the sum I'd given her to count was about £100 less than it was. Luckily I'd just counted it myself so I was sure how much was there. Other times I've exchanged smaller sums to find that the rates are lower than the fiveways post office. Really not a trustworthy bunch at all. (undercounting by a note or two I can understand but no way does a person miscount 10 notes i.e one fifth of the entire sum, let alone a person experienced in counting money.)

Khai BC

4 Google Rating

Decent store, always very busy though.

4/ 5

Decent store, always very busy though.

Andy Lock

4 Google Rating

Don't recognise the adverse comments here. Use this post office regularly for parcel dispatch and a

4/ 5

Don't recognise the adverse comments here. Use this post office regularly for parcel dispatch and always a polite and efficient service. Handy for birthday cards and young children's books too while you're postng your parcels. Most of the usual posting / stationery supplies but other gifts, etc. limited due to its small size.

captain underpants

1 Google Rating

i felt that the post office was really bad with covid safety, i was waiting in the queue and one of

1/ 5

i felt that the post office was really bad with covid safety, i was waiting in the queue and one of the staff came over to the front and said that a lady had been coughing all over her desk and asked another member of staff it they had any thing to clean the desk! non of the staff are wearing masks and you should be cleaning all work desks and areas where customer go! the member of staff just looked at her and said maybe look in the back! i wont be going back there again its really bad. Then the lady behind the counter took about 5 mins to serve with a massive queue behind me not socially distancing!!!

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  • Sunday08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Monday08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Tuesday08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Wednesday08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Thursday08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Friday08:30 AM - 05:30 PM
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