Natural Health Therapy located at Australian Arcade, Shop 8/461-465 Ruthven St, Toowoomba City QLD 4350, Australia

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Franco Negri

5 Google Rating

Clare helped me for many years to improve my health and still does. I had great benefits thanks to h

5/ 5

Clare helped me for many years to improve my health and still does. I had great benefits thanks to her sensitivity and magic touch. I highly recommend her

Leehannah Lee

5 Google Rating

I really appreciated the comfort and support given to me from Claire and the professional but friend

5/ 5

I really appreciated the comfort and support given to me from Claire and the professional but friendly atmosphere that helped me feel relaxed and at ease to move through my session. Thank you.


5 Google Rating

From the time I worked into the room, Clare was welcoming. She asked questions and listened to my a

5/ 5

From the time I worked into the room, Clare was welcoming. She asked questions and listened to my ailments. She then proceeded to work her magic with her aroma essences and hands. I never sit still for long but the hour she worked on my body was just heaven and the time flew by. I walked out with my body feeling a lot lighter and freer than when I worked in.

Dan Hamilton

5 Google Rating

I came across Clare’s business in Toowoomba recently. Clare spoke with me and got to the bottom o

5/ 5

I came across Clare’s business in Toowoomba recently. Clare spoke with me and got to the bottom of my pain issuers before we started, I’ve never felt the instant relief I felt after only half an hour. Clare is an absolute magician, I can’t wait to go back!

Fletcher McDonald

5 Google Rating

The pain I had in my muscles was drastically reduced within a day after seeing Clare. Thank you.

5/ 5

The pain I had in my muscles was drastically reduced within a day after seeing Clare. Thank you.

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  • Saturday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Sunday08:30 AM - 02:30 PM
  • Monday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Wednesday08:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Thursday08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Friday09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
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