Maklin Street Surgery located at 90 Macklin St, Derby DE1 1JX, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01332 340381

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Egija Sausa

1 Google Rating

Very poor surgery , cant get appoitment to see gp if its not emergency . Gp not sure whats the probl

1/ 5

Very poor surgery , cant get appoitment to see gp if its not emergency . Gp not sure whats the problem is. Printing out stuff from google for me to read , saying to not work but not giving sick note after 5 days at home , ..

Rosie Winfield

2 Google Rating

The system Macklin Street has in place is terrible. In order to get an appointment you have to ring

2/ 5

The system Macklin Street has in place is terrible. In order to get an appointment you have to ring from 8 o'clock every morning, your not allowed to pre book appointments, even if its for a repeat prescription, you still have to ring at 8 and hope for the best! If you work full time like I do its impossible to ring at 8 as that's when I'm on my way to work, so by the time i can get through all the appointments are gone. No end of times have I had to fork out for emergency prescriptions because I haven't been able to get into the surgery. The reception staff are useless, you can moan & complain your life away but it falls on deaf ears and nothing ever gets passed on, they just nod & agree & then forget everything you said. But apart from that the doctors themselves (when you get to see them) are great, but i would not recommend this surgery to anyone.

Andy Vardy

4 Google Rating

Helpful triage who quickly arranged a home visit to help an elderly member of my family. Dr Eisenber

4/ 5

Helpful triage who quickly arranged a home visit to help an elderly member of my family. Dr Eisenberg hat off to you sir.

Alsayed Alsayed

5 Google Rating

5/ 5

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  • Tuesday08:00 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Wednesday08:00 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Thursday08:00 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Friday08:00 AM - 06:30 PM
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