Lovely local park with pond, jogging trail and children's play park. Not big but popular with famili
Lovely local park with pond, jogging trail and children's play park. Not big but popular with families, dog walkers and model boat enthusiasts.
Knightswood Park located at 81A Chaplet Ave, Glasgow G13 3XW, UK
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Lovely local park with pond, jogging trail and children's play park. Not big but popular with families, dog walkers and model boat enthusiasts.
Great park good playground but it's busy and not a lot for a toddler to do
Grassy open area with paved footpaths. good for dog walking and kids to run around. Also has a pond with swans and model boats, and adjacent tennis facility.
Nice little park with lovely swan pond. Worth a visit on a nice day.
I loved visiting the six swans that live here. They're always so happy to be fed some bread or seeds. Just lovely. But apart from the swans and ducks there's not much else here. Came here next day 21/9/18 and there was 13 swans! Amazing, trying to feed 13 swans was something else. One kept nipping at my coat as if to say " hey, your not paying me enough attention. Feed ME ". On 8/12/18 there were 26 swans at Swan Lake! Ab fab. How nice to see them and 15 geese wanting fed too. Fantastic fun trying to keep up with 26 swans all wanting some bread. Great fun. Now there 37 swans 5/2/19 ! A little too many for me to keep up with
A simple but lovely park. Sit by the pond on one of the benches dotted around. I often visit through the week on à lunch break. It's been nice recently watching the geese and swans doing their thing in and out of the water. The park is well pathed and near the main road where there is on street parking. Suitable for prams or wheelchairs access.
A lovely little park. Lots of swans and seagulls and crows and pigeons to feed. Bring the kids and feed the bird's. 👍
Loved it there. My puppy loved seeing the ducks and swans.
I sat at the edge of the park pond on a sunny Sunday morning .A very pleasant venue popular with families strolling, joggers jogging and seagulls,many seagulls doing what seagulls do. I spent a peaceful 20 minutes there. Hope you do too.
Nice people, clean and available parking. Very busy with dog walkers