Avoid and avoid simply low level, very expensive, cheaper places and better service in other places, or simply use the known petrol station, Auto to avoid headache or wash it your self (You will do a better service), it use to be a good car wash, unfortunately greedy people took over dropping the level by cutting corners and increased the prices to top.
Rude staff, no customer service skills.
You go for valeting your car, unfortunately for the minimum you expect them to do for £25 Mini Valeting service you end up, forced to watch them all the time, otherwise they will cut corners and if you ask them they start being funny with you and they don't like it, The owner or the Manager he said he doesn't want my opinion or review, go and work it out???.
Furthermore for a car is £20 mini valeting as per the sign, they tried to tell me they can do a mini valeting for £25, how sneaky, when I can clearly see it marked at £20!!!!.
Very disappointed, I decided to take my car here to be valeted and noticed upon pickup that the door arm rest on the passenger side had been scratched during the cleaning process, the hoovering is rubbish, many places not hoovered nor cleaned, any where the eye can't see it certainly not done, finger prints all over the dash board. The boot bonnet, was not dried properly leaving it, is if not been washed or cleaned (the foam dried on the car), I wasted £25 on Kleen Not your Kar, I will never step foot back to this non sense.
I will very cautious using this company.