jen whalley
1 Google Rating
Been trying to get meds since the 7th Aug the doctor hasn't even bothered to sent the meds to the ph
Been trying to get meds since the 7th Aug the doctor hasn't even bothered to sent the meds to the pharmacy as they sent the incorrect meds and dosage. The pharmacy has phoned the GP surgery numerous times with given excuse after excuse. The GP surgery excuses are we don't have the hospital discharge note that's a lie they had a copy on 6th Aug, we haven't had time to sort through the meds they had nearly 2 weeks to sort them. Telling the chemist over the phone many times you will send them over a lie. I am putting a formal complain in to the NHS England as you are putting peoples lives in danger with no medication. And putting my partners life in danger by not being able to have the insulin and medication you are a utter disgrace.