I struggled with education throughout high school and college however the educational format used at
I struggled with education throughout high school and college however the educational format used at Futureworks benefited me greatly, you're treated like an adult and although later on in the course you are expected to do some self learning I found this a very useful experience on exactly what I can do when I put my mind to it. The tutors were always helpful and understanding, although the amount of time we spend in classes with tutors I felt couldve have been a bit better, though the tutors I did have genuinely cared about my progression and were actual Human Beings as opposed to the teachers I have encountered in every other educational form I've attended. Don't be dissuaded by the negative review(s) people have left, as a former student reading them gives me the impression that they wanted someone to hold their hand throughout the course and tell them exactly what to do at all times which is not the case, as you are given a lot of autonomy to do what you feel is your passion (As is my experience) which can be both a good and a bad thing, it means you get out as much as you put in.