Agora located at 55 Park St, Bristol BS1 5NT, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0117 929 4888

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Agora bristol
Agora bristol
Agora bristol

Google Review

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Dan Brain

3 Google Rating

Quite small when inside and very hot. Bouncers can be very rude. Drink prices not too bad and lots o

3/ 5

Quite small when inside and very hot. Bouncers can be very rude. Drink prices not too bad and lots of deals too.

Rogue Status

3 Google Rating

Popular place to go if you’re a student - cheap drinks, decent atmosphere.

3/ 5

Popular place to go if you’re a student - cheap drinks, decent atmosphere.

Ella Rose

3 Google Rating

Fun but busy and slightly trashy. Good for students though!

3/ 5

Fun but busy and slightly trashy. Good for students though!

aanna sluggs

1 Google Rating

Horrible door staff treating and charging all people all sorts of money. Appalling treated. I wanted

1/ 5

Horrible door staff treating and charging all people all sorts of money. Appalling treated. I wanted to go and find my boyfriend, and all they did was take the p**s and tell other people that my boyfriend wasn’t bothered and that I should go home. I wanted to go inside and lol for him, I had previously paid but wasn’t allowed inside because of my ‘attitude’. Typical abuse of power

Poppy Jones

1 Google Rating

DJ would not play the song I requested even though it said requests could be made after 1. Several p

1/ 5

DJ would not play the song I requested even though it said requests could be made after 1. Several people requested the same song but he would not play it. Was talking to a girl in the toilets and she said she knew him and he would not play anything other than his set list. I also spoke to one of the barmaids and she agreed timber was a good song. But he wouldn't play anything else other than the set list made by the manager. We're going down I'm yelling timber

Pau Garcia

1 Google Rating

Shittiest place ever. The manager (Joseph) exploited people inside and was racist and disrespectful

1/ 5

Shittiest place ever. The manager (Joseph) exploited people inside and was racist and disrespectful every night to the staff.

Alice Bowden

5 Google Rating

My last resort for any night out! Cheap drinks, music not bad, friendliest bouncers, and nice little

5/ 5

My last resort for any night out! Cheap drinks, music not bad, friendliest bouncers, and nice little lounge area at the top. Toilets dubious but who cares at the end of a night! Great memories here

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  • Thursday10:00 PM - 04:00 AM
  • Friday10:00 PM - 04:00 AM
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