Woodingdean Post Office located at 544A Falmer Rd, Brighton BN2 6ND, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0345 611 2970

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Woodingdean Post Office brighton
Woodingdean Post Office brighton

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Michael Keay

5 Google Rating

Charming quaint little Post Office. The owner may often close it at any time without notice or cover

5/ 5

Charming quaint little Post Office. The owner may often close it at any time without notice or cover, but that is more than made up for by the cheery smile and a wave if he is open. Well worth a visit to check out the postmaster’s mittens which takes me back to my childhood watching Steptoe & Son.

Joshua Sadler

1 Google Rating

Not open on weekends Monday to friday 9 till 1 pm

1/ 5

Not open on weekends Monday to friday 9 till 1 pm


1 Google Rating

3rd day in a row it's not been open. Really unhelpful.

1/ 5

3rd day in a row it's not been open. Really unhelpful.

Ryan Bomzer

1 Google Rating

This one is closed earlier every day than expected, the locals complain a lot about this shop.

1/ 5

This one is closed earlier every day than expected, the locals complain a lot about this shop.

Alan Hill

1 Google Rating

Not open when Google shows it is open - Saturdays are closed now apparently.

1/ 5

Not open when Google shows it is open - Saturdays are closed now apparently.

Nat Huxtable

1 Google Rating

Visit Cowley Drive post office, open longer hours and much better service.

1/ 5

Visit Cowley Drive post office, open longer hours and much better service.

Loren B

1 Google Rating

Couldn’t help me with a basic ASOS returns, treated me like a child! Do not stop off here by any m

1/ 5

Couldn’t help me with a basic ASOS returns, treated me like a child! Do not stop off here by any means - if it were the last post office in England , I’d drive to Scotland.

Sue Read

1 Google Rating

This post office should be struck off ! He's never open and goes on holiday without getting cover i

1/ 5

This post office should be struck off ! He's never open and goes on holiday without getting cover in. I had a parcel delivered there under Click & Collect and I can see the parcel amongst other items through the door but the shop is closed and I cannot collect. Why the main post office doesnt cancel this shops franchise is beyond me! The number of complaints Ive heard ! If Id known it was this bad, I wouldnt have had my parcel delivered there.

Diego martínez

4 Google Rating

For what matters, it was open when I needed it and it did not smell to anything funny. Also, it has

4/ 5

For what matters, it was open when I needed it and it did not smell to anything funny. Also, it has fun collection of old magic trick packs. I wonder if bad reviews are from those unlucky enough to find it closed. Buy ey... Maybe the owner ran away right after I left and my letter sat there for a week without being posted...

Marcos Cohen

1 Google Rating

Never open during the opening hours as advertised. The lights are on, machines are on, his glasses a

1/ 5

Never open during the opening hours as advertised. The lights are on, machines are on, his glasses are on the counter, god knows what’s he is doing in the back! Waited good 15 minutes outside, it’s a Joke! Post office should shut this place down!

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  • Sunday09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
  • Monday09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
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