Unfriendly staff. Lazy. Always trying to find an excuse to say 'no' (just like the staff at the surgery next door...with the exception of the doctors themselves). Been lied to more times than I can remember.
Hate the place. Hate having to go there.
Why is it that pharmacists have this idea that they're the same as doctors? They're not; they are shopkeepers with a vocational degree. Slightly higher than nurses, but around that level.
And this (undeserved) attitude of superiority rubs off on the staff, who all act as if they're doing you a favour, for which you should grovel and humbly thank them and shower them with praise, when they're just doing their job.
YOU ARE SHOP ASSISTANTS. KNOW YOUR PLACE (in case you're unaware, it's somewhere near the bottom of the ladder).
And heaven forfend you stick up for yourself and demand decent service, because then you're labelled a trouble-maker.
Here's an important point apropos these 'zero-tolerance on abuse' posters...
If there's one industry that should show a little tolerance, it's the health industry - hospitals, GP surgeries and pharmacists. I'm not saying they should have to endure overt aggression or insults, but, by their very nature, people are going to come into these places having a really bad day, maybe even the worst day of their lives. People are likely to come into hospitals, surgeries and pharmacies feeling terrible maybe, maybe worrying awfully about their own health or that of a loved one. People are likely to be feeling ill, or fretting, or panicked, or miserable or depressed. It is the one time maybe we could forgive someone being a bit short or abrupt or less than perfectly civil. Again, of course, I'm not talking about threats or foul-mouthed insults, but maybe we could forgive people being a little short-tempered or critical. Instead people are held to the highest standard of behaviour possible in the face of officious jobsworths who actively look for an excuse to say 'no' and who are outraged at any criticism or complaint. Since when are genuine complaints or criticisms about customer service considered unacceptable behaviour?
We're treated with contempt and expected to respond with gratitude bordering on obsequiousness.
...but I'm wittering now.