HD Campbell
3 Google Rating
I intend for this to be informative, not overly nice, harsh, or funny. I am a second year. PROS ->
I intend for this to be informative, not overly nice, harsh, or funny. I am a second year. PROS -> Close to accommodation & bus station -> Vending machines have food -> Close to food shops nearby -> Many computers with good softwares -> Many outlets to charge laptop -> Quite a few staff -> Good selection of books, several floors -> Special reserved areas for postgrads, interviews and silent study. -> Nice views -> Openable windows -> Cool concrete stairwells to relax and have phonecall CONS -> Toilets, both male and female, are worse than in a nightclub. -> NO WATER FOUNTAINS - apart from just outside the toilet... delish... and no cups there for some "environmental" (i.e. money saving) reason. -> Unlike a normal university library, there is no rule of NO TALKING. I thought it was a given that you shut the hell up when you go into a library, but this library is literally the campus social space. The ground floor might as well be a restaurant it's so f#cking loud. -> It's right next door to the nightclub (brilliant design layout... amirite?) -> Busy as hell. However, this is more a critique of the University in general. They accept literally any student and they simply do not have the facilities to accommodate all these people, thus leading to overcrowding. -> No smoking on the balcony. I kind of thought that that was the whole point of a balcony... a place to smoke. Apparently not... although I do see many people break this rule and there is no CCTV up there so yea. Still... stupid rule. -> Can get quite hot. May 2019