Nikki Turner
5 Google Rating
All the staff are polite and courteous and very patient. The nurses there in particular Shelley, Rac
All the staff are polite and courteous and very patient. The nurses there in particular Shelley, Rachel and Freya go beyond their duties and have treated my family and I will the up most respect. Shelley has patiently sat and listened to me during my appointments going on about all the worries I have going on and is very supportive and empathetic. The doctors are all just as supportive and I think most of us forget that they are all under immense strain and stress yet still deal with each patient with respect. I think we often forget that they want the best for us and sometimes the answer is not at the bottom of a medicine bottle or tablets but rather simple things which we ourselves can change. I think over the years every one has become accustomed to getting a prescription every time we go with a minor ailment so now it is expected I admittedly have been the same hence why I can write this review and be honest with the care I have received. In future if you are handed a print out for another service or online app don't fold it up and put it in your pocket and forget about it take the time to read and explore the alternative options being given to you. I feel all surgery staff are under rated and expected to be super human but they are all superstars in their own rights and deserve our respect and patience and for us to remember that we all have bad days and most of us let it show whereas the staff at a doctors surgery cannot hide away till the day passes they have to get up and carry on. Remember to show up for your appointments as a missed appointment could have been used by another patient in dire need or if you can't make it at least phone and make the surgery staff life's a little easier. Thank you for all you do.