Taylors Of Hove Post Office located at 30 Church Rd, Hove BN3 2FN, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 734679

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Taylors Of Hove Post Office brighton

Google Review

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1 Google Rating

All the ladies are really nice and hard working. The guy though..rude, lazy. Just stands there readi

1/ 5

All the ladies are really nice and hard working. The guy though..rude, lazy. Just stands there reading the paper at the counter whilst everyone else does the work. Arrogant, acts like the world owes him a living. (try helping the ladies out when they are busy!) If you were under my employ I'd sack you and split your wage among the rest of the staff.


1 Google Rating

The ladies are always very helpful, friendly and polite. The “man” is an ignorant pig! Rude, arr

1/ 5

The ladies are always very helpful, friendly and polite. The “man” is an ignorant pig! Rude, arrogant and unpleasant! Will stick to Blatchington Road from now on where the gentleman is always friendly and polite!

Charles Ezra

2 Google Rating

Turned up 45 minutes before closing time on Saturday, but it was already closed. Very frustrating as

2/ 5

Turned up 45 minutes before closing time on Saturday, but it was already closed. Very frustrating as it was an important task.

Eva Russo

1 Google Rating

Unfortunately this is my local post office branch, always unhelpful and rude.

1/ 5

Unfortunately this is my local post office branch, always unhelpful and rude.

Will Thomson

5 Google Rating

Really helpful and good service

5/ 5

Really helpful and good service

Iain Mann

5 Google Rating

This post office has improved so much over recent months. Before, you'd bring a packed lunch because

5/ 5

This post office has improved so much over recent months. Before, you'd bring a packed lunch because the wait was so long. Now, much shorter wait times and great service from pleasant staff. Don't know what's caused the change but whatever it is...it's very welcome..

Francis-Xavier Martins

1 Google Rating

Before I went to Zurich, I stopped off at the Post Office to get some Swiss Francs. The lady at the

1/ 5

Before I went to Zurich, I stopped off at the Post Office to get some Swiss Francs. The lady at the desk said they had none left, and just as I was about to leave, her assistant said "we actually have one CHF100 note left." She rummaged around, eventually found it, and I bought it. When I got to Zurich, I was told that the note I had bought was the old note and not accepted anymore. "No bother," I thought. "I'll just use my card and return the note when I get back." I went back to the P.O today and the lady wasn't there, her husband was though, and he told me they wouldn't take it back because even though I had a receipt, I couldn't prove that was the *actual* note they sold me. I asked him to what end would I go to Zurich with a real note and return with an older version, or where I would get an old note from. "Not the point, we need proof." "Why don't you check your cameras?" "They only last 5 days." "Would you like to see my transactions while I was in Zurich." "No, you'll have to call a helpline." I'm going back on Monday to see if his wife remembers selling me the *actual* note. The way I was treated was very disappointing, I've been going there for years and I was treated like I was trying to rip them off. I didn't go to Blackpool, I went to Zurich, one of the world's most expensive cities. I don't need to swindle anyone, I just want my money back for something I was sold that was unusable and was not my fault.

Rosie Harris-Davison

5 Google Rating

The staff here are amazing, we post our business parcels and they always send them off as fast as po

5/ 5

The staff here are amazing, we post our business parcels and they always send them off as fast as possible and are very efficient. Anyone who has written a bad review is definitely just impatient - as its always very busy so there's a queue, but that is no fault of the staff! They're always kind and really hardworking, we even still go to this post office despite moving further away as they are so trustworthy.

Running On Fumes

5 Google Rating

I just want to give this post office a good rating, first because it deserves one, and second to bal

5/ 5

I just want to give this post office a good rating, first because it deserves one, and second to balance out some of the bad reviews....I'm not saying it didn't deserve those as well, but they mostly seem to be from 6-9 months ago when they had some dodgy staff. All I can say is they're much better now!

Isabel Hart

5 Google Rating

Perhaps it has been taken over in the past year... but I dont think so... anyway... I post regularly

5/ 5

Perhaps it has been taken over in the past year... but I dont think so... anyway... I post regularly for my business and find the clerks both helpful and trustworthy... no lost packages. They can be pushed for time as there is often a big queue but I have found them patient and kind.

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  • Sunday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Monday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Friday09:00 AM - 12:30 PM
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