Tink73 Slytherin
3 Google Rating
I was looking forward to visiting this place but sadly left feeling I wasted my time even finding it
I was looking forward to visiting this place but sadly left feeling I wasted my time even finding it. The guy working there, not sure if he’s the owner appeared bored & very disinterested. When potential customers asked questions he would give minimal answers and I overheard 2 ladies saying they wouldn’t bother asking about a bag etc they were going to buy and would try elsewhere. I asked about a couple of items and was given a incoherent mumble as a reply, so I gave up too. It was clear he didn’t want to be there. The service would get zero stars from me but there were some interesting items for sale. It was difficult to see things at times but I certainly don’t mind sifting through clothes racks. It would have been easier to have them sorted into decades though. I couldn’t find much earlier than 1950’s except some Edwardian nightdresses, and bizarrely baby’s christening dresses (although some of these were actually doll’s dresses; a friend collects & deals antique ones so I know these quite well). I did leave feeling that I’d wasted my time to be honest, and most of the items were quite over priced too. Even in London I’d found similar things but cheaper. Perhaps better lighting and more enthusiastic staff would help hugely