Starbucks located at 9 Exchange Pl, Glasgow G1 3AN, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0141 204 2767

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Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow
Starbucks Coffee glasgow

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Aditi Mukhopadhyay

5 Google Rating

My go to Starbucks! Have been coming here for years with my school friends and now we're all working

5/ 5

My go to Starbucks! Have been coming here for years with my school friends and now we're all working, we still come here and meet up! The additional seating upstairs is a godsend and the atmosphere is lovely! The staff are so nice and friendly.

Mindaugas Bradauskas

5 Google Rating

A beautiful location in the city centre, just off the main street. Staff are very nice and there is

5/ 5

A beautiful location in the city centre, just off the main street. Staff are very nice and there is a spacious seating area upstairs so you can find a seat most of the times. Would not choose to sit outside though, only if you enjoy being harassed by the homeless.

Zari Khan

5 Google Rating

A well done Starbucks, always a friendly staff on and drinks are really good too.

5/ 5

A well done Starbucks, always a friendly staff on and drinks are really good too.

Jeanette Lang

4 Google Rating

Lovely.nice area to sit out. Clean and friendly.

4/ 5

Lovely.nice area to sit out. Clean and friendly.

Rage Taufika

5 Google Rating

I like the place, comfy for writing or meeting. Not that crowded, but in the center of Glasgow.

5/ 5

I like the place, comfy for writing or meeting. Not that crowded, but in the center of Glasgow.

Eddie Cattanach

3 Google Rating

Very small not enough room if it's cold and wet outside

3/ 5

Very small not enough room if it's cold and wet outside

Chris McDowall

5 Google Rating

Nice coffee and soft rollsbacon/sausage were fine

5/ 5

Nice coffee and soft rollsbacon/sausage were fine

Jonathan Wong

5 Google Rating

Great staffs and you get a discount for your coffee and food when present your Cineworld unlimited m

5/ 5

Great staffs and you get a discount for your coffee and food when present your Cineworld unlimited membership card.

Peter Hart

4 Google Rating

Nice place latte coffee a wee bit to strong

4/ 5

Nice place latte coffee a wee bit to strong

Belinda Thorgersen

3 Google Rating

Good Coffee and chokolate, but not easy to understanding what they say

3/ 5

Good Coffee and chokolate, but not easy to understanding what they say

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  • Saturday08:15 AM - 08:15 PM
  • Sunday06:15 AM - 09:15 PM
  • Monday06:15 AM - 09:15 PM
  • Tuesday06:15 AM - 09:15 PM
  • Wednesday06:15 AM - 09:15 PM
  • Thursday06:15 AM - 09:15 PM
  • Friday06:45 AM - 09:15 PM
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