1 Reviews
FAO: all GPs and practice nurses
FAO: all GPs and practice nurses ‘Rachel the ‘write’ to speak’ by Sandra Capelin raises awareness of Developmental Language Disorders (DLD); a neurological developmental condition that can persist into adulthood, more common than autism but not so widely known, as illustrated by Professor Courtenay Norbury’s 2014 research showing that seven children in every primary classroom were suffering from DLD yet only half were actually diagnosed. This is an easy-to-read book with a powerful message for anyone working with children and young people in order to appreciate the difficulties they face on a daily basis, both socially and academically. It is also an inspiration to anyone facing similar issues. The forward was written by Professor Dorothy Bishop while the book tells how Rachel was born with a Language Disorder that went undiagnosed until she was sixteen years old despite her mother’s pleas for help from both health and educational professionals. It also explains how Rachel struggled through mainstream school with little or no help yet managed to succeed against all odds. Although there is now more awareness of these problems families still continue to fight to get their children diagnosed and it becomes increasingly more difficult to access specialist help due to government cut backs. A greater awareness of these hidden disorders is desperately needed. ‘Rachel the ‘write’ to speak ’is available from Amazon for £5 and all good bookshops