Shoreham-by-Sea Post Office located at 8 High St, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 5DA, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0345 611 2970

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Shoreham-by-Sea Post Office brighton
Shoreham-by-Sea Post Office brighton

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Ian Grieve

1 Google Rating

Jaw-droppingly dim counter staff, wouldn't trust them to run a bath.

1/ 5

Jaw-droppingly dim counter staff, wouldn't trust them to run a bath.

Adam Howey

5 Google Rating

Always happy and helpful. Friendly staff that put a smile on your face .

5/ 5

Always happy and helpful. Friendly staff that put a smile on your face .

Kevin Dunks

1 Google Rating

The guys that work at this post office are so unhelpful and rude. I'd suggest travelling to Southwic

1/ 5

The guys that work at this post office are so unhelpful and rude. I'd suggest travelling to Southwick or Lancing if you want to be able to rely on achieving simple tasks that the Post Office offers. I'd give zero stars if it were an option.

Becca Reynolds

5 Google Rating

Great little post office

5/ 5

Great little post office

Jenny Davys

5 Google Rating

This is a fab post office - all staff are so friendly and helpful, efficient and accurate - I do my

5/ 5

This is a fab post office - all staff are so friendly and helpful, efficient and accurate - I do my business banking there as a I run a local business and have a Co-op account, so as well as handling my mail needs, it's extremely useful and convenient from the banking point of view! They have always got time to smile and make you feel welcome. There is almost always a small queue because the services are so important and so many people use it, but the queue always moves swiftly because of the efficiency of the staff and I have never waited more than about 5 mins even at busy lunchtimes. Recommend this post office very highly and hope beyond hope that the powers that be see sense and don't go ahead with the rumoured plans to close it!!


1 Google Rating

I have found the postmaster to be quite patronising on the occasions that l have used this post offi

1/ 5

I have found the postmaster to be quite patronising on the occasions that l have used this post office ! I won’t be going there again that’s for sure !

K Archer

5 Google Rating

As part of a convenience store this PO is accessible to all for longer hours than a conventional PO

5/ 5

As part of a convenience store this PO is accessible to all for longer hours than a conventional PO which is really helpful. I use this PO for both work and personal needs and all the staff have always been very helpful, friendly and patient and always try to make time for all customers even when very busy👍🏼

Andrea Rich

5 Google Rating

Great Post Office, friendly staff, very helpful.

5/ 5

Great Post Office, friendly staff, very helpful.

R Isaac

5 Google Rating

You cannot please every one. Some customers are always very difficult to deal with even if the staff

5/ 5

You cannot please every one. Some customers are always very difficult to deal with even if the staff are polite. They are inpatient. The staff are always doing their best to please everyone. I am very pleased this branch thats why I gave them 5*s.

Dn Marcos Isaac

5 Google Rating

Great customer service. Will go the extra mile for you always. By far the best post office in shoreh

5/ 5

Great customer service. Will go the extra mile for you always. By far the best post office in shoreham.

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  • Saturday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Sunday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Monday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Thursday07:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Friday07:00 AM - 11:00 PM
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