Salisbury District Hospital :Stars Appeal located at Odstock Rd, Salisbury SP2 8BJ, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01722 429005

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Salisbury District Hospital :Stars Appeal salisbury

Google Review

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Peter Lawrence

5 Google Rating

Salisbury District Hospital is why people love the NHS. Hardworking staff who are dedicated to helpi

5/ 5

Salisbury District Hospital is why people love the NHS. Hardworking staff who are dedicated to helping people. The 'Stars Appeal' is a classic example of the hospital and it's supporters trying to make up the lack of funding from the current government.

Pooo Weee

5 Google Rating

Great hospital a lot better than Bath and you can park

5/ 5

Great hospital a lot better than Bath and you can park

Martyn Egerton

5 Google Rating

They do so much for the hospital. Can't praise them enough.

5/ 5

They do so much for the hospital. Can't praise them enough.

helen ayres

2 Google Rating

This place is my 2nd home due to long term illness, I know it well. I was very sad I could notcpark

2/ 5

This place is my 2nd home due to long term illness, I know it well. I was very sad I could notcpark in the front or rear blue badge areas last week, I had to park away and walk which I struggle to do, this made me light headed and I was unwell for the rest of the day, not all the cars had a blue badge displayed, and one was double parked in front of another car, this is unacceptable for ill people who rely on those spaces. I struggle with the distance at the front sometimes but tochave to park a fair distance meant I was ill and didn't need to be. I also don't understand why ill people have to go up and down like Tokyo's to departments, the Dr on level 2 the ward on level 3, oncology, this is not right, we are weak and tired and to be made to go up and down several times at points is a p*** take to be honest, move the ent department down and the ontology up next to the suite, this would benefit patients greatly as well as staff.

Matthew Buchanan

3 Google Rating

Great maze, expensive parking, lovely staff

3/ 5

Great maze, expensive parking, lovely staff

marcel guilbert

5 Google Rating

Helps everyone

5/ 5

Helps everyone

Olufemi Pirisola

5 Google Rating

Excellent staff and wonderful care at the hospital

5/ 5

Excellent staff and wonderful care at the hospital

zoe B

5 Google Rating


5/ 5


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