Princes Street Gardens is located at Princes St, Edinburgh EH2 2HG, UK, we aim to offer all our customers a great experience with Princes Street Gardens and we would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

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Princes Street Gardens edinburgh

Google Review

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Sayan Pal

5 Google Rating

This has to be one of the best gardens I have visited around UK if not other countries. The castle i

5/ 5

This has to be one of the best gardens I have visited around UK if not other countries. The castle is right there on the backdrop. Lot of cherry blossoms around. A nice fountain right at the center and plenty of historic architectures around. This place is a heaven for both a nature lover and an architectural admirer. Edinburgh has to be one of best places I've visited in a while. I definitely hope to visit again in coming years.

Katy McGuckin

5 Google Rating

Beautiful gardens to chill out in, perfect for taking a break for from shopping as it’s close to a

5/ 5

Beautiful gardens to chill out in, perfect for taking a break for from shopping as it’s close to all the best shopping streets in Edinburgh. Lots going on, lovely ice cream shop and cafe to buy stuff for a picnic. Beautiful fountain too, so relaxing to watch the water. Amazing views of the castle too. Beautiful space full of trees in the middle of the city.

Arveen Jumani

5 Google Rating

Lots of space and people were following social distancing rules. Great for an outdoor date, family p

5/ 5

Lots of space and people were following social distancing rules. Great for an outdoor date, family picnics, or just to relax. You will find all sorts of people sitting or relaxing. Safe for children. Has multiple entry and exit points

Eryk Stochmal

5 Google Rating

Peaceful place to relax while in the middle of a bustling city. Easy connection to transport with a

5/ 5

Peaceful place to relax while in the middle of a bustling city. Easy connection to transport with a wide range of choices, from buses and taxes, to trams and trains. Nice views and calming shade given from the massive trees growing among the many benches around the gardens. Great for family trips.

Monica Macdonald

5 Google Rating

Beautiful gardens with a view of the castle. There's a bandstand and kids play area with outside caf

5/ 5

Beautiful gardens with a view of the castle. There's a bandstand and kids play area with outside cafe and seating at the west end and the beautiful flower click at the east end during summer months and of course the main shopping area of Princes St across the street. Unique gardens

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  • Saturday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Sunday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Monday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Thursday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Friday07:00 AM - 10:00 PM
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