Post Office The Broadway Bradford is located at Unit 22 Charles Street Mall, The Broadway, Bradford BD1 1US, UK, we aim to offer all our customers a great experience with Post Office The Broadway Bradford and we would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

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Post Office The Broadway Bradford leeds

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Wendy Sutcliffe

3 Google Rating

The gentleman George who works in passports is a lovely, very informative man. Makes ordering a new

3/ 5

The gentleman George who works in passports is a lovely, very informative man. Makes ordering a new passport easy. Not sure about the manager who decided to look ovet his shoulder - he was doing mine and my husbands passport which takes longer! Maybe more patience needed and more staff training of others. 1 cubical working and that was passport - and that was lunchtime.

Siama Ahmed

5 Google Rating

We went in last Friday served by a lovely man. Great manners excellent customer service. Please pass

5/ 5

We went in last Friday served by a lovely man. Great manners excellent customer service. Please pass this on to him thank you

Billy Buxton

1 Google Rating

Went to exchange some Dubai currency an was offered less than I was offered at Asda in pudsey very s

1/ 5

Went to exchange some Dubai currency an was offered less than I was offered at Asda in pudsey very shocked

DZ bd

1 Google Rating

This post office staff not helpful

1/ 5

This post office staff not helpful

M Subhi

5 Google Rating

Chelsea was great, thanks.

5/ 5

Chelsea was great, thanks.

Rizwan Raza

1 Google Rating

So waited over 40 minutes in a typically long queue, not surprised as only 1 person serving. Then wa

1/ 5

So waited over 40 minutes in a typically long queue, not surprised as only 1 person serving. Then was told they can't do the check and send passport application. Never experienced such a poor service from other post offices. I now understand why they are so close to becoming obsolete.

Yunus Moosa

1 Google Rating

Terrible service was told package delivery Tuesday nothing then told delivery Wednesday again nothin

1/ 5

Terrible service was told package delivery Tuesday nothing then told delivery Wednesday again nothing 2days completely waste of time post office service is hopeless and unreliable

Jaydon Taylor

5 Google Rating

Always an immaculate experience at Broadway Post Office, the team of ladies behind the counter do a

5/ 5

Always an immaculate experience at Broadway Post Office, the team of ladies behind the counter do a grand job, and get the lines down quick with their teamwork. My favourite PO branch :)

Assiya Batool

5 Google Rating

Nice place and clean and good staff and helpfull. I like it. Broadway in post office.

5/ 5

Nice place and clean and good staff and helpfull. I like it. Broadway in post office.

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  • Sunday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Monday09:30 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Friday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
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