Post Office located at Post Office, 12 Town St, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4RJ, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0113 258 3451

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Google Review

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Michael Sharples

1 Google Rating

Rude staff that overcharge! Went in with a greetings card as i was unsure if it was standard 1st cla

1/ 5

Rude staff that overcharge! Went in with a greetings card as i was unsure if it was standard 1st class size. The man charged me for large letter 1st class. When it arrived my friend told me that it was standard 1st class size and even sent me the official measurements which it fell into. How many people a week must they do this to!?

Hani Elgabou

1 Google Rating

Rude and unprofessional staff member.

1/ 5

Rude and unprofessional staff member.

Michael C

1 Google Rating

Worst post office I have ever used the guy has a bad attitude and there top up machine is never work

1/ 5

Worst post office I have ever used the guy has a bad attitude and there top up machine is never working

Andrew Lawson

1 Google Rating

Opening times online say it’s open, after a 30 minute walk up here a pen and paper sign in window

1/ 5

Opening times online say it’s open, after a 30 minute walk up here a pen and paper sign in window says shut until 1st Feb. This is unprofessional and your opening times should be up to date online.

Kenneth Rachmann

5 Google Rating

Friendly & helpful

5/ 5

Friendly & helpful

Sam A

1 Google Rating

The man at the cashier behind the glass window of the post office who wears glasses and works there

1/ 5

The man at the cashier behind the glass window of the post office who wears glasses and works there regularly, has very poor customer service manners. He always rushes the customer for no reason even when it's not busy, he's all over the place and makes the customer panic and then he talks to the customer in a patronising way as if they've never seen or filled a form before. The lady who works here is very helpful unlike her male colleague who is utterly unpleasant, frustrating and unhelpful.

Tom Bottomley

5 Google Rating

Saw the reviews and thought I should balance it! Always been very helpful and courteous in my exper

5/ 5

Saw the reviews and thought I should balance it! Always been very helpful and courteous in my experience.

Mini Chemodan

4 Google Rating

Helpful & polite staff

4/ 5

Helpful & polite staff

Derek Haigh

4 Google Rating

No problem from me.

4/ 5

No problem from me.


1 Google Rating

Member staff rude, disgusting.

1/ 5

Member staff rude, disgusting.

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  • Sunday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Monday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Friday09:00 AM - 12:30 PM
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