Nevill Road Post Office located at 190 Nevill Rd, Hove BN3 7QQ, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 540280

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Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

James Stanier

5 Google Rating

Helpful folks and great opening hours.

5/ 5

Helpful folks and great opening hours.

Jim Davies

5 Google Rating

Very friendly and efficient - best P.O. in Hove!

5/ 5

Very friendly and efficient - best P.O. in Hove!

Ewan McCauley

5 Google Rating

Lovely staff

5/ 5

Lovely staff

Peter van Vliet

3 Google Rating

3/ 5

benbella mlotshwa

4 Google Rating

4/ 5

Malik Rahman

1 Google Rating

Opening hours on the Post Office website is listed as 06:00-23:00 everyday but staff have confirmed

1/ 5

Opening hours on the Post Office website is listed as 06:00-23:00 everyday but staff have confirmed it's 08:30-17:30 everyday. One Stop being owned by Tesco, you would think opening hours and service would be on the ball. Have advised Post Office Customer Service of this discrepancy, got the generic response 'we're doing all our best to keep branches open in these unprecedented times blah blah blah' Pride in working for the Post Office has changed since I've worked for it. Good customer service with care seems to be a foreign concept now. Very few crown offices left open and the sub-offices just don't care enough. Opening hours in this branch is all over the place. Countless occasions I've gone within the opening times to be told Post Office closed! I really wish supermarkets would start taking cash deposits and courier companies would open up mail offices so the Post Office can finally be put to rest, which is long overdue.


1 Google Rating

Awful service, two issues in the same week resulting in queuing, being asked to wait and then 15 min

1/ 5

Awful service, two issues in the same week resulting in queuing, being asked to wait and then 15 minutes later you are told the post office is closed as there’s a problem. More staff training needed!

Erica Casula

5 Google Rating

Lovely friendly staff, working extreamly hard during difficult times.

5/ 5

Lovely friendly staff, working extreamly hard during difficult times.

Scarlett D

1 Google Rating

Won't accept any post after 17.30 'the system closes' meaning they don't want to process your parcel

1/ 5

Won't accept any post after 17.30 'the system closes' meaning they don't want to process your parcels after that time and can't be bothered!

Barbara Presland

2 Google Rating

Be warned - the opening times for the post office are not up to date! Doesn't open until 08.30 today

2/ 5

Be warned - the opening times for the post office are not up to date! Doesn't open until 08.30 today although this says 06.00.

Show all timings
  • Saturday06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Sunday06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Monday06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Tuesday06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Wednesday06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Thursday06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Friday06:00 AM - 11:00 PM
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