Mills Removals located at 285 Mile Oak Rd, Portslade, Brighton BN41 2RB, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 417385

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Mills Removals brighton
Mills Removals brighton
Mills Removals brighton
Mills Removals brighton
Mills Removals brighton
Mills Removals brighton
Mills Removals brighton

Google Review

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Frederic Francois

1 Google Rating

To be avoided at all cost. Damaged several pieces of furniture and did not secure the washing machin

1/ 5

To be avoided at all cost. Damaged several pieces of furniture and did not secure the washing machine waste hose properly. Manager claim 35 years of experience, I guess it was 35 years of chaos. I tried to see if they were accredited but nope. My builder chose them, I guess he chose the worst he could find to minimise costs.

Lars Jensen

1 Google Rating

I have a clear sign over my carport that says 'Disabled access needed at all times'. So then this c

1/ 5

I have a clear sign over my carport that says 'Disabled access needed at all times'. So then this company parked one of their vans as close as you can get to it. My wife ask them to move it, one of their responses were, "we move it when we can" as we told them, "my disabled son's bus is comming to pick him up for school very soon, can you please move it". There is no sympathy for the Disabled, from this company, so if you are Disabled, I would not advise you to use this company.

Colin Mann

1 Google Rating

Certainly would never recommend this firm to my worst enemy! Extremely impatient as we were only abl

1/ 5

Certainly would never recommend this firm to my worst enemy! Extremely impatient as we were only able to give the ok in the afternoon through no fault of our own. Attitude extremely bad. Found they had unloaded furniture onto the front lawn before we gave the ok. Wife got so fed up with their pestering so In the end just told them to dump all the boxes into the garage, easy move for them! but hard for us as we had then had to transfer all the full boxes into the house. Plus after all that they changed us extra! Mills no no never again

Albert Hillier

1 Google Rating

Cycling home from work I took a central position in the road so I could make a right turn.. Unfortun

1/ 5

Cycling home from work I took a central position in the road so I could make a right turn.. Unfortunately for me I had Mills removals behind me who couldn't bare to wait for me to turn so started beeping and shouting abuse at me. Then pulled up beside me to shout even more abuse. Absolute idiots please don't give your custom to these morons.

Keith McRae

5 Google Rating

Simply the best! Moving house is stressful, what you want is a company that will be there when they

5/ 5

Simply the best! Moving house is stressful, what you want is a company that will be there when they say they will, move your stuff carefully for a very reasonable price. We've used them twice now, both times at very short notice. They were very accommodating and didn't let us down. I cannot fault them and would not hesitate to recommend them. Thank you very much guys, you are brilliant!

Becka Tappin

5 Google Rating

Used Mills removals for an upright piano removal and they were absolutely fantastic. Really professi

5/ 5

Used Mills removals for an upright piano removal and they were absolutely fantastic. Really professional and friendly! Couldn't believe how they managed to get my piano up some really tight stairs and zero damage! Thrilled great service!

Pete T

5 Google Rating

They were very prompt, kind and accommodating. Great sense of humour and camaraderie. Have used them

5/ 5

They were very prompt, kind and accommodating. Great sense of humour and camaraderie. Have used them three times now. Highly recommended.

Robbie atwell

5 Google Rating

Mills removals were absolutely brilliant and made what could have been a challenging day as stress f

5/ 5

Mills removals were absolutely brilliant and made what could have been a challenging day as stress free and enjoyable as possible. We went for the packing service and I'm so glad we did. It made our lives so easy and every one of the guys was so friendly and helpful. Particular shout out to Craig and Adam who stayed until 7pm putting a nightmare bunk bed together for us. Highly highly recommended.

Sara White

5 Google Rating

Cannot recommend Craig and Adam enough! Both very friendly and professional nothing was too much tro

5/ 5

Cannot recommend Craig and Adam enough! Both very friendly and professional nothing was too much trouble - would definitely recommend

Anna A

5 Google Rating

Adam and Jamie (I hope I remember the names correctly) did a fantastic job with my move last week. E

5/ 5

Adam and Jamie (I hope I remember the names correctly) did a fantastic job with my move last week. Everything went smoothly and what could have been a really stressful day was actually the easiest part of moving house in the end. My neighbours had recommended Mills and I can only do the same. Thank you, guys!

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  • Monday08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Tuesday08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Wednesday08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Thursday08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Friday10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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