janet woodward
4 Google Rating
This is a very caring listening surgery they are very efficient and up to date and are open to sugge
This is a very caring listening surgery they are very efficient and up to date and are open to suggestions
Mill Road Surgery located at 98A Mill Rd, Sheffield S35 9XQ, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0114 245 6370
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information – of Mill Road Surgery by http://www.millroadgpsurgery.co.uk/
4 Google Rating
This is a very caring listening surgery they are very efficient and up to date and are open to suggestions
1 Google Rating
These so called receptionists are little Hitlers that couldnt run a bath. I've only been with these doctors for a few months and it's the biggest mistake I've made. TERRIBLE AND RUDE
3 Google Rating
Doesn't shut at 8 even tho advertised on internet as 8
5 Google Rating
Never met a member of staff, doctor, nurse or receptionist who hasn’t been caring, helpful, kind and helpful. Thoroughly pleased with this practice!
1 Google Rating
i find 90% of the reception staff unhelpful and arrogant. Medical staff and great same the reception staff do not live up to the medical staff.
3 Google Rating
My mum phoned this morning regarding my father who has been on antibiotics for a chest infection. This was to state that it seemed like he was taking a turn for the worse again and needed a doctor to take a look at him since he may need more antibiotics. Doctor never phoned, queried this with reception staff who said it has only been put through as a prescription enquiry! Still awaiting Doctor phone call , advised to ring 111 if need be. I find this disgraceful since he his 70 years old and as dementia.
1 Google Rating
Tried making appointment today or a ring back from a doctor. But guess what can never get through. And when you do There's no appointments. My daughter is under hospital due to having really bad migraines the tablets they've gave her are not working. Shes having to have a lot of time of school due to this. I only wanted to discuss her medication. I've also been reading other people's reviews and yes I've had same problems with the receptionist. It's only a certain 1 she has no people skills. And should not be working in doctors surgery
5 Google Rating
Odd reviews lately regarding Mill Road surgery. We have been with them for 45 years, never had a single problem with doctors OR receptionists. Yes, lines can be busy, but you can request a call-back rather than hanging on 'phone. And chose your time to call-NEVER first thing Monday morning! If I have need an appointment, then like every surgery I know of, there is a delay before being seen in person, but I have had no issue with getting a same-day call-back from a doctor to discuss the matter, with a promise of face-to-face if the ailment does not resolve. I sympathise with the reviewer with a daughter suffering migraine- but I know from personal experience over 55 years that when migraine hits, then the body is calling a time-out. It is a condition to be lived with , and make the most of the migraine-free days. As a final point, I can say that two of the doctors have in the past literally saved my life with their diagnoses, so please be a little more sympathetic regarding their difficult and stressful occupation.
2 Google Rating
Some of the resepsion staff should go back to charm school doctors are excellent
1 Google Rating
Why the receptionist refuseing me dovobet cream. When I have bad psoriasis who do they think they doctors what a joke