Mansell Road Post Office located at 61 Mansell Rd, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 6GT, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 452816

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Note: These Images are displaying via Google Maps Api, If you see any Copyright violation on our website please contact us ASAP. Attributions: Bill Rodgers MadManOnARock
Mansell Road Post Office brighton
Mansell Road Post Office brighton
Mansell Road Post Office brighton

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Val Gayes

5 Google Rating

Friendly, kind and helpful people. Excellent service, always.

5/ 5

Friendly, kind and helpful people. Excellent service, always.

Lee Elkin

5 Google Rating

Nice post office friendly staff willing to help you

5/ 5

Nice post office friendly staff willing to help you

Bill Rodgers

5 Google Rating

Quite simply one of the best Post Offices I have ever used on a regular basis. Mail, international a

5/ 5

Quite simply one of the best Post Offices I have ever used on a regular basis. Mail, international airmail, parcel post, personal banking and a multitude of other services all provided in a fast & friendly manner. Excellent and knowledgeable staff who easily make it the best PO in the Shoreham area. I honestly can't recommend highly enough.

Debbie Durling

5 Google Rating

Most caring and family oreantated hard working and friendly. Always helpful to the public. Thank

5/ 5

Most caring and family oreantated hard working and friendly. Always helpful to the public. Thank you for your service

Bonny Bonbonny

5 Google Rating

A post office​ and convenience shop. You can find anything in the shop - from bread, milk, meals a

5/ 5

A post office​ and convenience shop. You can find anything in the shop - from bread, milk, meals and ice cream to washing powder, magazines and a birthday card. Friendly and knowledgeable staff.

Gary Stearman (LifeAction Coaching)

5 Google Rating

Excellent service.Post office open earlier than normal which allows me to drop my son to school and

5/ 5

Excellent service.Post office open earlier than normal which allows me to drop my son to school and visit at the same time.

Max Grosu

5 Google Rating

Great little post office. Very helpfull staff. Covid safe

5/ 5

Great little post office. Very helpfull staff. Covid safe

darren hartshorne

4 Google Rating

I have been to the Post office a couple of times but the opening times are very different than the

4/ 5

I have been to the Post office a couple of times but the opening times are very different than the times displayed on the Web site Mon 7.30 to 5 pm 1pm to 2pm lunch Tue 7.30 to 5pm 1pm to 2 pm lunch Wedn 7.30 to 4pm 1pm to 2pm lunch Thu 7.30 to 5pm 1pm to 2pm lunch Friday 7.30 to 5pm 1pm to 2pm lunch Sat 7.30 to 5pm 1pm to 3pm lunch Sun 7.30 to 11am Hope this helps everyone.

Mark Castle

5 Google Rating

Nice little Post Office, Great Customer Service’s and always happy to help. Also sells his papers

5/ 5

Nice little Post Office, Great Customer Service’s and always happy to help. Also sells his papers magazines et cetera.Opening hours are good they close for an hour between 1 and 2 most weekdays for lunch

Emma Strickland

5 Google Rating

Really lovely, helpful people that run this post office & shop. Nothing is to much trouble. Great se

5/ 5

Really lovely, helpful people that run this post office & shop. Nothing is to much trouble. Great service

Show all timings
  • Saturday06:30 AM - 01:00 PM
  • Sunday06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Monday06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Tuesday06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Wednesday06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Thursday06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Friday06:30 AM - 06:00 PM
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