Paul Chalmers
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Health Visitors are rude and abusive. Told my partner that we should stop feeding our 2 year old son
Health Visitors are rude and abusive. Told my partner that we should stop feeding our 2 year old son things that he likes and give him what we are eating. "If he is hungry he will eat." Likewise with his nightly milk. "Just give him water if he thirsty he will drink." You are hampering his development by allowing him to be a fussy eater. Louise Smith who was the health visitor wouldn't expect that we were progressing him onto our food gradually and should be a slow process. She would prefer that we force on his development while in the process starving him of what he wants or can eat. She wouldn't except that child develop in their time and according to her we are to force him to do what we want him to do. We have since logged a complaint. If you are having an appointment with these people record it on your phone for you and your child's protection.