A lovely little hidden oasis right in the heart of the city.
A lovely little hidden oasis right in the heart of the city.
Johnston Terrace Nature Reserve located at 7/8 Castle Wynd S, Edinburgh EH1 2JT, UK
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information – of Johnston Terrace Nature Reserve by https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/reserve/johnston-terrace-garden
A lovely little hidden oasis right in the heart of the city.
A wee oasis of peace and calm just 50m from the top of the Royal Mile (which is overflowing with vistors!) Scotland's smallest wildlife reserve is situated in the heart of Edinburgh and maintained by the Scottish Wildlife Trust. The reserve is open to the public from 10am to 6pm during the Edinburgh Art Festival (26 July - 26 Aug 2018). The space is usually closed to visitors, but local residents and members of SWT may have keys for access.
A small garden with a greenhouse. There is a gate on Castle Wynd steps but it was locked when I visited
Super gemütlicher Ort mit tollen Leuten die sich aufopferungsvoll für ihrer Arbeit hingeben
Possibly the smallest ever nature reserve but it packs an artistic punch. Look out for open days (usually during the Edinburgh Art Festival or one of the guided walks as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe). It really is a very special place in the heart of the city. If you get a chance to have a peeked behind the usually locked gates, GO!
Super cozy place with great people who are dedicated to their work