tommy O'Payne
5 Google Rating
Sorry for the delay in replying, I actually went back to Spain two days after I had the last appoint
Sorry for the delay in replying, I actually went back to Spain two days after I had the last appointment with you. As you are already aware, I am delighted with the service and product you made for me. I would not hesitate to recommend your clinic to prospective patients. For their benefit i should explain that i had fixed implants for many years in Spain. One of the implants failed and my teeth were subsequently changed to a fixed bar and retained denture. These never fitted correctly. Having read up on your clinic on the internet in Spain I made an appointment. Anyone who needs bar or ball retained dentures would benefit from the care and skill you undertook in my fittings - i have not failed to eat anything! The parking when i travelled by car was easy and convenient had i travelled by train that would not have been a problem either. The cost too was certainly cheaper than a dentist would have charged. Carry on the Good Work! Mal Griffiths