Jane Kenney Contemporary Jewellery located at North St, Bristol BS2 8QY, UK

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Jane Kenney Contemporary Jewellery bristol

Google Review

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Niki Whittle

5 Google Rating

I commissioned Jane to make a necklace for my sister to celebrate the birth of her baby boy. The go

5/ 5

I commissioned Jane to make a necklace for my sister to celebrate the birth of her baby boy. The gorgeous necklace Jane created exceeded all my expectations and my sister absolutely loved it. I cannot recommend Jane highly enough, she is lovely to work with, pays attention to the little details (the gift was presented beautifully and included a hand written note) and did I mention the necklace was gorgeous! Thank you Jane ♥ x

Emma Godshaw

5 Google Rating

Jane's jewellery is beautiful. I commissioned her to make me a necklace which I love and wear all t

5/ 5

Jane's jewellery is beautiful. I commissioned her to make me a necklace which I love and wear all the time. Jane really listened to my ideas but made them into something that worked amazingly. She takes so much care over her work, I wish I could buy more of it!

Sarah Pickard

5 Google Rating

Jane designed my beautiful engagement ring and wedding ring. She was so friendly and a pleasure to w

5/ 5

Jane designed my beautiful engagement ring and wedding ring. She was so friendly and a pleasure to work with, listening to my ideas and converting them into a gorgeous design. I was able to choose the exact stone for my engagement ring and I'm absolutely delighted with it. Would highly recommend Jane to all my friends and family.


5 Google Rating

Love this jewellery so much! I love the individuality of each piece. I love the way you can see the

5/ 5

Love this jewellery so much! I love the individuality of each piece. I love the way you can see the strokes of the hammer. Can't stop buying it!! Jane is a seriously talented jeweller.

Hazel Ritchie

5 Google Rating

Jane's jewellery is really individual and beautiful. We were so pleased she made our wedding rings,

5/ 5

Jane's jewellery is really individual and beautiful. We were so pleased she made our wedding rings, she was able to talk through all the options and made the whole process fun and painless. I also have a pair of her earrings which are definitely my favourite pair!

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