Jacks Turner is located at 6, 14 King Square, Bristol BS2 8JH, UK, we aim to offer all our customers a great experience with Jacks Turner and we would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

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Jacks Turner bristol

Google Review

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marcus granville

5 Google Rating

From the numerous design ideas through to the final design (which really hit the spot so thankyou fo

5/ 5

From the numerous design ideas through to the final design (which really hit the spot so thankyou for throwing in the curveball!) to the finished article I have to say i was really impressed as to how it turned out and most importantly my wife loves it! Thankyou

anne tregenna

5 Google Rating

So happy with my ring. It was lovely to work with Jacks to decide on a great combo of stones and se

5/ 5

So happy with my ring. It was lovely to work with Jacks to decide on a great combo of stones and settings. It’s lovely to have a locally made perfect ring that suited our budget. Great communication, service and quality! Thanks a bundle! X

Nick Sargent

5 Google Rating

I'm so pleased with the engagement ring Jacks made for me - her jewellery has a distinct and classy

5/ 5

I'm so pleased with the engagement ring Jacks made for me - her jewellery has a distinct and classy style, and my fiancee (!) is delighted with it. From helping me choose a ring design through to resizing, Jacks' service was fab - cheery and helpful. Highly recommended

Will Rugless

5 Google Rating

I had an absolutely stunning ring made by Jacks Turner for my proposal - she was incredibly helpful

5/ 5

I had an absolutely stunning ring made by Jacks Turner for my proposal - she was incredibly helpful and made the process of choosing the band and right stones really easy. I came to Jacks in the week before Christmas and despite the busy season she had the ring ready for me to propose on New Years Eve. She has also re-fitted it for no extra cost. We're both so grateful for such a gorgeous ring and would highly recommend her work. Thanks Jacks!

Kate Timmons

5 Google Rating

Jacks produced a high quality piece to a tight deadline. The wedding ring fits beautifully next to m

5/ 5

Jacks produced a high quality piece to a tight deadline. The wedding ring fits beautifully next to my engagement ring and Jacks did a fantastic job working to compliment the style of the existing ring. I highly recommend Jacks and I hope to find an excuse to commission more pieces with her in the future.

Kirstine Kollgaard

5 Google Rating

I fell in love with the contemporary and unique style of Jacks’ jewellery designs when looking for

5/ 5

I fell in love with the contemporary and unique style of Jacks’ jewellery designs when looking for an engagement and wedding ring and couldn’t have been happier with the rings she made for me. She has since designed an eternity ring to fit with the other two. I have nothing but praise for the beautiful design and quality of her jewellery, and for the very friendly and personalised service I have received, and can highly recommend.

NANG- Starr

5 Google Rating

Bespoke, Artisan, Rustic, Hand-made Jewelry. Perfect if you want something Special. Great advice giv

5/ 5

Bespoke, Artisan, Rustic, Hand-made Jewelry. Perfect if you want something Special. Great advice given, honest and fair priced - highly recommend.

Susan Barden

5 Google Rating

Jacks has done a fantastic job re-working an inherited piece of sentimental jewellery into something

5/ 5

Jacks has done a fantastic job re-working an inherited piece of sentimental jewellery into something much more wearable. Her skill, professionalism and attention to detail, together with her ability to grasp and work with the desired vision, produced simply stunning results. First class!

Natalia Sokolov

5 Google Rating

Jacks is wonderful and her jewellery is stunning, she helped me find the perfect earrings for my sis

5/ 5

Jacks is wonderful and her jewellery is stunning, she helped me find the perfect earrings for my sister for her wedding- some gorgeous silver and gold studs. The quality is amazingly with great attention to detail. Jacks also worked with my husband in the past to design my engagement and wedding rings. The process is really fun and interesting, and totally.bespoke. its great to know no one else in the world has that ring! Thank you so much!! Xxx

Alys Evans

5 Google Rating

Jacks recently remodelled a diamond ring for me. She created a stunning piece of contemporary jewell

5/ 5

Jacks recently remodelled a diamond ring for me. She created a stunning piece of contemporary jewellery which completely captured the essence of what I wanted. She discussed all ideas and costs and I am delighted with my ring.

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  • Wednesday10:30 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Thursday10:30 AM - 04:00 PM
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