Islingword Road Sub Post Office located at 80 Islingword Rd, Brighton BN2 9SL, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 681031

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Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Alexx Paul Sherman

5 Google Rating

This place is a local asset to the area! Ive always been pleased with the level of knowledge from t

5/ 5

This place is a local asset to the area! Ive always been pleased with the level of knowledge from the staff and high standard of service. It's a great idea that I can get essential items for home and have a choice of post office services at more than one till. Great idea!

Al Berwick

5 Google Rating

Excellent service & staff.

5/ 5

Excellent service & staff.

Ian Irving

5 Google Rating

Perfect location. Can post till 8! Excellent service.

5/ 5

Perfect location. Can post till 8! Excellent service.


5 Google Rating

Only post office worth going to in brighton. Best costomer service.

5/ 5

Only post office worth going to in brighton. Best costomer service.

Mia D

5 Google Rating

Very helpful and great that they are open until 8 pm every day Mon to Sun! And they have a free cash

5/ 5

Very helpful and great that they are open until 8 pm every day Mon to Sun! And they have a free cash machine. Best post office I'm.

Keaton Williams

5 Google Rating

One of the best customer service experiences I've experienced, anywhere, ever. I was helped by an i

5/ 5

One of the best customer service experiences I've experienced, anywhere, ever. I was helped by an individual with star tattoos on their arm, they helped me with everything I needed and they were friendly and understanding. Will be back for postage needs. Give them a bonus. Thanks.

Stuart Bagshaw

5 Google Rating

Best PO ever, 8-8pm 7 days a week, amazing! Ultra nice people too. I never review anything but credi

5/ 5

Best PO ever, 8-8pm 7 days a week, amazing! Ultra nice people too. I never review anything but credit where credit's due!

heathy mac

5 Google Rating

This post office employs the nicest people ever! They are all so helpful, cheerful and lovely. Total

5/ 5

This post office employs the nicest people ever! They are all so helpful, cheerful and lovely. Total joy to use. thank you!

Rose Wei

5 Google Rating

This is the best post office ever đź‘Ť The opening hours, the staff attitude, the service, etc. it j

5/ 5

This is the best post office ever 👍 The opening hours, the staff attitude, the service, etc. it just make people’s lives so convenient, the owner is so lucky to have such friendly and helpful staff.

Josh Scott

5 Google Rating

A post office that has served the community for years. Although the selection of convenience store i

5/ 5

A post office that has served the community for years. Although the selection of convenience store items (such as fridge food) isnt massive what they do brag is the usual post office services available at a later time than usual. The most convenient being cash withdrawals.

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  • Saturday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Sunday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Monday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Tuesday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Wednesday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Thursday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Friday08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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