Gareth Davies
1 Google Rating
So sat in A&E now for a delightful four hours, surrounded by the finest Hull has to offer, sadly a p
So sat in A&E now for a delightful four hours, surrounded by the finest Hull has to offer, sadly a poor endorsement for the area as the vast majority of the people waiting are clearly heroin or cocaine addicts. Witnessed a poor chap on a drip, I say poor chap as the bag on his drip has been empty for the past two hours and he hasn’t been attended to. Waiting has little to offer in the way of passing time, so noting that not a single person has been called for treatment for 41 minutes at time of writing this review speak volumes for the standard of care on offer, many a dehydrated person sat around with not so much as a vending machine on offer. Classic example of Tory Britain, I pay an eye watering amount of tax and national insurance monthly for this rubbish, sitting here, I can’t for a second see where my contributions are being invested.