This is a wonderful place for a walk, and especially if you have dogs. There is a stream for them to
This is a wonderful place for a walk, and especially if you have dogs. There is a stream for them to paddle, wooded areas and some bits with grass.
Hermitage of Braid located at Countryside Ranger Service, 69 Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh EH10 6JF, UK
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This is a wonderful place for a walk, and especially if you have dogs. There is a stream for them to paddle, wooded areas and some bits with grass.
This should be the pride of Edinburgh. It's a beautiful wooded river gorge within the city limits. Make sure you stop off at the gatehouse for a bacon and black pudding roll. The only downside is that there are always too many dogs in the park. Add some cyclists and things occasionally get heated.
Great place for a walk, very scenic and peaceful
A nice walk through the woods, great walk for the dogs, and has streams and small waterfalls for the kids to play in. Care is a mist.
Beautiful shop is excellent
Nice walk along a stream/ burn. You can't visit the house but the walk is really lovely, covered by trees so great for a dog walk on warm days for shade. One side of the stream has a tarmac path which is mostly clean and dogs can clean off in stream so great way of cleaning them at the end of a walk. There is a nice cafe at the start if the walking a big field plus option to climb a hill.
Lovely place to walk your dog. Many play areas for children, cafe to stop at and easily accessible on one side of the river for people in wheelchairs.
Great walk running alongside a river. Great for family and dog walkers
Had a good walk through the woods, really enjoyed my time there.
Lovely place for a walk. Very dog friendly. So close to the city centre.