Ian George Whatton
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Try and telephone for appointment the line is always busy and after a certain time in morning you ca
Try and telephone for appointment the line is always busy and after a certain time in morning you can't phone for appointment you should be able to phone for appointment up to 11am They should also have a separate telephone number for repeat prescriptions to releave phone calls from the appointments number and repeat prescription should not be on a Due Date System the Due Date System does not allow people to put in prescriptions early when you have a strip left and the chance for the Pharmacists to get in the Medications in stock because you then after to wait a day for the Pharmacist to get it in stock by then you have completely run out medication, you have to order you repeat prescription on the due date which is bad. I don't use nomad systems of medication 1) my medications are not compatible with it 2) I don't trust the pharmacists I have had two many experiences where I have received different versions of my repeat medications and fell ill and I have had to take it back in my past, which is why I use Boots. The online system most of the features in this once you have logged on you can't book appointments and other features to get to your details you have go to order a prescription which you are not it is a bit of a long way round. They also blame Monday Morning's their reason why you can't get through on Phone to make a appointment and their system of phone in on day of the morning between 8am- 9am to get a appointment with Your GP is Rubbish. You can't always see your own registered Doctor you always see a locum doctor who don't know you well as the usual doctors who are only available the last half of the week. Then you have to tell receptionist why you are wanting to see your doctor that is between the patient and your GP not the receptionist.