Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd located at J6, The Swan Centre, Higher Swan Ln, Bolton BL3 3AQ, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01204 652211

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Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton
Handles & Hinges UPVC Maintenance Ltd bolton

Google Review

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Steven Berry

5 Google Rating

Recently moved into a new house and needed some window keys. Took a photo of the handle, sent it to

5/ 5

Recently moved into a new house and needed some window keys. Took a photo of the handle, sent it to them and as was contacted with the recommened key, which after a few days (due to Sunday) arrived today. Key(s) fit and work great. Overall a fantastic and quick service at a very reasonable price! 5/5

Anne Love

5 Google Rating

I am so impressed with the service of ‘Handles & Hinges’. Can’t believe they were able to repl

5/ 5

I am so impressed with the service of ‘Handles & Hinges’. Can’t believe they were able to replace my lost window key just by looking at the photo of the handle that I sent - even impressed my husband who wasn’t expecting the key to fit :)! Will definitely be buying from them again.

Thomas Riding

5 Google Rating

Excellent service. Lost my window key sent a photo in of my handle received an email informing me o

5/ 5

Excellent service. Lost my window key sent a photo in of my handle received an email informing me of the key I needed to order. Placed order received the key very fast delivery. The key works can now lock my windows I am very happy. Very reasonable price too.

chris campion

5 Google Rating

outstanding service in matching and supplying an ancient old broken window lock mechanism. sent thro

5/ 5

outstanding service in matching and supplying an ancient old broken window lock mechanism. sent through some pictures and measurements by email and an equivalent replacement was delivered the next day. I manage to install it surprisingly easily in about half an hour.. definitely recommend.

Aileen Gomez

5 Google Rating

Lost my bedroom window key, l sent a photo of the handle and was advised I needed the pack of 3 keys

5/ 5

Lost my bedroom window key, l sent a photo of the handle and was advised I needed the pack of 3 keys. I ordered the pack and they arrived a few days later and I am very pleased to say they work. Thank you.

City Waste

5 Google Rating

Love this company , they are so helpful . If I need advice or support they are always happy to assis

5/ 5

Love this company , they are so helpful . If I need advice or support they are always happy to assist me place and order , the products are always good quality and the delivery always arrives quick , plus the prices are very reasonable too. Definitely recommend these guys

Craig Bond

5 Google Rating

Perfect replacement door handle. Easy to fix. Prompt delivery of product.

5/ 5

Perfect replacement door handle. Easy to fix. Prompt delivery of product.

simon oates

5 Google Rating

First class service from Jackie and Arron. Given great advice and was able to fit a new espag handle

5/ 5

First class service from Jackie and Arron. Given great advice and was able to fit a new espag handle. Would recommend to anyone.

William Snell

5 Google Rating

You can send them a photo of your window handles and they tell you which key fits. I ordered their r

5/ 5

You can send them a photo of your window handles and they tell you which key fits. I ordered their recommendation, it turned up a couple of days later and was a perfect fit. Fantastic.


5 Google Rating

These guys are amazing! Our composite front door hinges failed and we searched everywhere trying to

5/ 5

These guys are amazing! Our composite front door hinges failed and we searched everywhere trying to find replacements. We stumbled across Handles and Hinges, so called them and they were so helpful. They managed to match up the hinges based on photos we sent, and also sent them recorded delivery so they arrived first thing the next morning. Absolutely fantastic service. Thank you 😁

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  • Sunday12:45 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Monday12:45 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Tuesday12:45 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Wednesday12:45 PM - 05:00 PM
  • Thursday12:45 PM - 04:30 PM
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