Vittani Moscardini
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I did 'Portfolio prep' course here a few years ago. At school I achieved an A for intermediate 2 art
I did 'Portfolio prep' course here a few years ago. At school I achieved an A for intermediate 2 art and an A for both higher and advanced higher art. People always complimented my work too until I was on this course. The course was mainly 'taught' by Mary Claire Logan. After a few weeks on this course i was unbelievably depressed, dangerously depressed. Hardly had any input from teacher and when I did it was that my work was wrong somehow. I remember doing a lot of work over a weekend and brought it to show Mary claire for guidance and she literally ripped out over 50% of my work and basically said it was fit for the bin. You'd spend days working on something to be told it was wrong. She had plenty of time for certain students. After months of constant working only 9 out of 50+ pieces of work were suitable in her opinion. This woman just hated me, I am also certain she turned her favourite students against me too. I dreamt of going to art school, I was certain I'd go to art school and after several months under Mary claire Logans 'professional' instruction i was severely depressed to the point I was suicidal. I remember walking down the road to college and feeling like I should jump off bridge into speeding traffic rather face that evil little witch. Nice cafeteria food but this teacher should be sacked before she pushes a kid over edge cos I was seconds from suicide cos of her.