Geelong Bowen & Remedial Therapies located at 2 Arthur St, Belmont VIC 3216, Australia

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5 Google Rating

Searched for a Bowen practitioner in the Geelong area due to visiting my daughter, liked the informa

5/ 5

Searched for a Bowen practitioner in the Geelong area due to visiting my daughter, liked the information about Chris Reed & as travelling from Hay [5 hours away] I wanted someone who knew what they were doing. I was not disappointed & have just had a second treatment from him in 5 weeks. I'm extremely impressed with his treatments & I highly recommend him to anyone looking for relief. I have had issues with tension in neck & shoulder area for over 9 months, unable to turn my head to any degree, along with many other areas causing concern. Range of neck movement is so close to 100% [my physical day job & everyday stress slows full recovery], I'm sleeping on my back for the first time in 4+ years & feel as though I'm getting back to being me! Chris is certainly worth the 5 hour drive for a treatment & I would continue to travel to see him should my daughter move from Geelong.

Melinda Marks

5 Google Rating

Thankyou so much Chris. I’m very grateful for your help A very patient and understanding man that

5/ 5

Thankyou so much Chris. I’m very grateful for your help A very patient and understanding man that knows exactly what he’s doing. Highly recommend!

Christopher Hunter

5 Google Rating

Love the team at Geelong Bowen; went and saw them when I was having some issues after training and t

5/ 5

Love the team at Geelong Bowen; went and saw them when I was having some issues after training and their system did wonders in both my recovery and general sense of well being. I now have it penned in for monthly sessions. Matt Hart is the bomb! The man with the magic hands

Avril Sellars

5 Google Rating

Matt Hart is a most kind and caring professional

5/ 5

Matt Hart is a most kind and caring professional

Kevin Jones

5 Google Rating

Highly recommend, was friendly & helpful with getting me back to feeling better! Thanks guys

5/ 5

Highly recommend, was friendly & helpful with getting me back to feeling better! Thanks guys

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  • Saturday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Sunday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Monday09:00 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Friday09:00 AM - 02:30 PM
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