Garage Door Medic Ltd is located at 30 High Meadows, Bromley Cross, Bolton BL7 9AS, UK, we aim to offer all our customers a great experience with Garage Door Medic Ltd and we would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

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Garage Door Medic Ltd bolton

Google Review

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5 Google Rating

Great service, quality job, reasonable price. A one guy business, so you deal directly with him, not

5/ 5

Great service, quality job, reasonable price. A one guy business, so you deal directly with him, not a call centre. He only does garage doors, so knows his stuff. Turned up when he said he would and the price was as he quoted on the phone. Highly recommended.

Jasper Hemy

5 Google Rating

A great job done by Dave today. Fixed, serviced and put a new lock on my garage door all for an exce

5/ 5

A great job done by Dave today. Fixed, serviced and put a new lock on my garage door all for an excellent price. He arrived on time identified the problem immediately and set about the job with no fuss. He gave plenty of great advice to save money and prolong the life of the door. Oh and he is also a very nice man. Thanks Dave.

M Hoggy

5 Google Rating

Great service, arrived actually early, stated if he couldn't fix the problem there would be no charg

5/ 5

Great service, arrived actually early, stated if he couldn't fix the problem there would be no charge. Far cheaper than other bigger companies, I would not hesitate in using him again. Thanks for your help.

brian Barrow

5 Google Rating

Phone Dave and he arrived very promptly to sort out my non-functioning garage door. He did this very

5/ 5

Phone Dave and he arrived very promptly to sort out my non-functioning garage door. He did this very quickly and also gave me some tips on how to keep the door functioning smoothly.

Les Mason

5 Google Rating

Excellent service from David. Good communications & came on time the following day. Very pleased - w

5/ 5

Excellent service from David. Good communications & came on time the following day. Very pleased - would recommend. Thank you.

asif rizvi

5 Google Rating

Dave is a very knowledgeable person, he put my mind at ease on the phone. He was very accommodating

5/ 5

Dave is a very knowledgeable person, he put my mind at ease on the phone. He was very accommodating and booked an appointment for the same week. He arrived on time and did a great job, he went the extra mile and even serviced my other garage door at no extra cost. A professional and a true gentleman, I would highly recommend Garage Door Medic.

Kap B

5 Google Rating

I can highly recommend Dave (Garage door medic), he completed an install of a new garage door opener

5/ 5

I can highly recommend Dave (Garage door medic), he completed an install of a new garage door opener to an existing door. The job was done to a high standard using quality materials and zero mess. I am very happy with the service and product provided. Thank you.

Carol Bean

5 Google Rating

ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND THIS GUY , Actually repaired the motor on our garage door, full service, very

5/ 5

ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND THIS GUY , Actually repaired the motor on our garage door, full service, very reasonable, turned up when he said he would. GARAGE DOOR runs 100% better.

Peter Eden

5 Google Rating

Attended to the door within 24 hours of contact. Knowledgeable, friendly and courteous. Charged exac

5/ 5

Attended to the door within 24 hours of contact. Knowledgeable, friendly and courteous. Charged exactly as estimated, very reasonable price. Overall excellent experience. Highly recommended.

John Rowe

5 Google Rating

You take your garage door for granted until it won't open or worse won't close. This happened last w

5/ 5

You take your garage door for granted until it won't open or worse won't close. This happened last week when it wouldn't close on £Ks of machinery and tools. A nightmare. Dave from Garage Door Medic was able to reach me within a couple of days and arrived promptly on Friday as arranged. He rectified 25 years of neglect within a couple of hours. He quickly squared up the door and replaced parts which were on their last legs. He didn't push to do more than necessary and stuck to the agreed price. This didn't stop him doing a few extras at no further cost. There's a temptation to say that the door is as good as new, that would be incorrect as the door has never operated as smoothly as this since it was installed. I would recommend Garage Door Medic to anyone.

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  • Friday08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
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