Ganesha Handicrafts located at 53 Park St, Bristol BS1 5NT, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0117 329 3860

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Ganesha Handicrafts bristol
Ganesha Handicrafts bristol

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Azrael Exlibris

5 Google Rating

Amazing atmosphere. Warm and welcoming, makes me feel a bit like a kid again, where things are new e

5/ 5

Amazing atmosphere. Warm and welcoming, makes me feel a bit like a kid again, where things are new exciting and magical. Loving soul runs the shop, we had a good talk, good place to meet interesting people.

KI Jehir

5 Google Rating

The customer service is amazing in the store. All the staffs was very welcoming and had great knowle

5/ 5

The customer service is amazing in the store. All the staffs was very welcoming and had great knowledge of all the products. i bought a ring and absolutely love it ! - excellent quality and would recommend to buy from this store, specially as its all fair trade.

Mekayla Dale

5 Google Rating

Awesome little shop. The girl was very helpful and super friendly.

5/ 5

Awesome little shop. The girl was very helpful and super friendly.

Dawn Thomas

5 Google Rating

5/ 5

Maria Mecu

5 Google Rating

5/ 5

Gabby Ju

5 Google Rating

Super nice store assistant. Very helpful and just overall nice. The selection of rings is huge and t

5/ 5

Super nice store assistant. Very helpful and just overall nice. The selection of rings is huge and there definitely is something for everyone's taste. Also got a little discount for buying 2 rings at once which is always very sweet.

Jasleen Dhindsa (thnksfrthrvw)

5 Google Rating

Incredible jewelry shop, wish there were more places like this in London! Spent a while choosing fro

5/ 5

Incredible jewelry shop, wish there were more places like this in London! Spent a while choosing from their incredible selection of beautiful rings (so many opals!!). Gideon was extremely friendly and helpful, could not reccomend this place enough!!

Amy Grace

1 Google Rating

Absolutley appalling service, seemingly no one here communicates to one another as I had a pretty te

1/ 5

Absolutley appalling service, seemingly no one here communicates to one another as I had a pretty terrible experience here. I have purchased rings here in the past and have been pretty impressed, I wanted to treat myself and bought a new ring as it was my birthday. I paid in cash and paid a little bit extra to get the ring resized. I was told it would take a week to get resized. A week then passed, I called the store 3 times to no answer. I then messaged their Facebook account and managed to get through to one of the employees. They then stated that it would take 7-12 days to complete the resize, I left my number with them and waited for a call to let me know that it was back in the store. 2 weeks then pass, I still hear nothing back. I then messaged their Facebook account again. I was told that the jeweller had a backlog of orders - again - it took me to message them in order to get an answer. Absolutley no peace of mind and beyond amature, especially since I had already paid for the ring and the resize in advance. I was then expecting a call from them at 1pm, I had no such phonecall. I then messaged AGAIN at 1:47pm to ask. I then get a phonecall at around 5pm (!!!) saying that the ring is now in stock and they will chuck in some free incense as an apology. I bought the ring on November 7th, picked it up on November 28th, well after the 7-12 days I was told. I arrive there, try the ring on, surpirse surprise it didn't fit. I said that something doesn't feel right, can you check the size for me please. It was a Q, the same size as it was 21 days ago. I asked for an N.5. I was told the manger/owner was away and there are only 2 other colleagues who seemingly don't speak to one another as there was zero communication. The ring didn't even get sent away, it was sat in the shop the entire time. I asked for an immediate refund in cash, to which I was told "I don't think I have enough cash in the till". Thankfully, I did recieve my full payment. Shocking lack of communication.

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  • Saturday11:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Sunday10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Monday10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Tuesday10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Wednesday10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Thursday10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Friday10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
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