Floral Clock is located at Princes St, Edinburgh EH2 4BA, UK, we aim to offer all our customers a great experience with Floral Clock and we would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

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Floral Clock edinburgh

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Tom Menzies

2 Google Rating

Why is this something to rate? It's lovely and everything but at the end of the day it's a clock. I'

2/ 5

Why is this something to rate? It's lovely and everything but at the end of the day it's a clock. I've seen clocks before and never felt the need to give them a rating out of five stars.

Robert Dickson

5 Google Rating

Impressive clock, usually themed each year with a lot of work and dedication from the gardening team

5/ 5

Impressive clock, usually themed each year with a lot of work and dedication from the gardening team.

Cliff Parsons

5 Google Rating

Beautiful park and gardens. Nice place to stroll through or sit and admire the amazing floral displa

5/ 5

Beautiful park and gardens. Nice place to stroll through or sit and admire the amazing floral displays.

Ronnie Carroll

5 Google Rating

Very attractive clock made up with real flowers very popular with tourist heart of princess street

5/ 5

Very attractive clock made up with real flowers very popular with tourist heart of princess street

David Burke

5 Google Rating

This is a working clock made of flowers. Worth seeing if in edinburgh. Must take some looking after

5/ 5

This is a working clock made of flowers. Worth seeing if in edinburgh. Must take some looking after to.

Kapil Handa

5 Google Rating

I have been to see the Floral Clock in Scotland which is an Exceptionally Beautiful Floral Clock. I

5/ 5

I have been to see the Floral Clock in Scotland which is an Exceptionally Beautiful Floral Clock. I would definitely recommend everybody in the Whole World to come and visit and see the Floral Clock in Edinburgh which is definitely worth visiting. Edinburgh itself is an Exceptionally Beautiful Place and is once again definitely worth visiting.

Biju Antony

4 Google Rating

Beautiful and a must see if you are in Scotland

4/ 5

Beautiful and a must see if you are in Scotland

Brian Crane

5 Google Rating

A piece of absolute brilliance, the thought and effort that goes into this is incredible,

5/ 5

A piece of absolute brilliance, the thought and effort that goes into this is incredible,

Gordon Taylor

5 Google Rating

Always a joy to see the clock when in Edinburgh, not only to check the time, but also to see which o

5/ 5

Always a joy to see the clock when in Edinburgh, not only to check the time, but also to see which organisation the clock is dedicated to.

Vani Yoheswaran

5 Google Rating

Beautifully maintained garden.

5/ 5

Beautifully maintained garden.

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