Dr Luke RAGGIO-CHIROPRACTIC located at 12 Thirteenth St, Gawler South SA 5118, Australia

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Tricia Snell

5 Google Rating

My hubby, me and my son have all visited Luke for years. We see him regularly and he's by far the be

5/ 5

My hubby, me and my son have all visited Luke for years. We see him regularly and he's by far the best chiro that we've received treatment from. Great service, friendly staff, and Luke always finds those nasty spots and sets them right. Thanks Luke, your aptitude and skills are greatly appreciated :)

Douglas Mayes-Coventry

5 Google Rating

DR Luke saved my wife from a debilitating set of conditions by listening to her and asking probing q

5/ 5

DR Luke saved my wife from a debilitating set of conditions by listening to her and asking probing questions to determine the root cause. He then repaired her and enabled life to contine in a pain free, stress free manner.

Caryl Mayes-Coventry

5 Google Rating

I was sceptical years ago before attending a Chiropractor and have frequented one or another for yea

5/ 5

I was sceptical years ago before attending a Chiropractor and have frequented one or another for years with increasing health benefits. However, getting older and being diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder and Depression, I have endured debilitating emotions-driven symptoms and tried to 'ride them out'. Recently after nearly three weeks of nausea and bouts of diarrhorea I attended my regular monthly appointment reluctantly (although nearly not being able to without a bucket). Having discussed my symptoms and answering Dr Luke's questions, I received my adjustment. Instead of going out as usual, with my husband for dinner, we returned home not expecting to enjoy the evening. We ate and for the first time in weeks, I did not feel nauseauous. Thinking it may be a placebo effect, the next day, I was cautious when having to be in the Barossa Valley all day (and eating away from my own home). Throughout the day I waited for the usual symptoms that inevitably arose AND nothing happened. I am SO pleased that Dr Luke was able to adjust my spine effortlessly and for such an immediate effect. This caring and professional practitioner is my 'go-to' when I am 'not right'. Thank you Dr Luke!

Tina Richardson

5 Google Rating

Our whole family see Luke, can not rate him highly enough.

5/ 5

Our whole family see Luke, can not rate him highly enough.

Sandra Raggio

5 Google Rating

5/ 5

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  • Saturday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Sunday02:00 PM - 06:30 PM
  • Monday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 06:30 PM
  • Thursday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Friday12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
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