Cowley Drive Post Office located at 110 Cowley Dr, Brighton BN2 6TD, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 01273 301542

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Google Review

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Sami Khadr

5 Google Rating

Helpful and friendly staff.

5/ 5

Helpful and friendly staff.

Lynne Glover

1 Google Rating

Don’t go in very often but seems it is lucky if anyone ever serves you. First time I had to wait w

1/ 5

Don’t go in very often but seems it is lucky if anyone ever serves you. First time I had to wait while the counter staff was sorting out another shop along the parade, and on my visit today again nobody behind the counter. I was just told ‘post office not working ‘ then told signal has broken ??? , just wanted to return a parcel so This was no help to me at all. Appalling service.

Mark Brown

1 Google Rating

After queueing for an age, I needed to sign a document in front of an independent witness. The serve

1/ 5

After queueing for an age, I needed to sign a document in front of an independent witness. The server refused to be a witness with some excuse about not being a postmaster. I pointed out that anyone can be a witness s long as not a family member of mine. Obviously his prerogative as to whether he would perform this small effort for a customer. He should take a leaf out of the person in Ovingdean village shop who performed the same task with a smile.

Eireann Sov

3 Google Rating

3/ 5

Jessica Whitington

3 Google Rating

3/ 5

Danny Fitzpatrick

5 Google Rating

Lovely guy. Really went the extra mile to help when I had 150 letters to post. Thank you!

5/ 5

Lovely guy. Really went the extra mile to help when I had 150 letters to post. Thank you!

Tony Till

5 Google Rating

I have always found the service here to be very friendly and efficient.

5/ 5

I have always found the service here to be very friendly and efficient.


1 Google Rating

If I could give 0 stars, I would. Rudeness without fail. Looking at their phones when walking in, ma

1/ 5

If I could give 0 stars, I would. Rudeness without fail. Looking at their phones when walking in, making you wait without noticing you, no hellos or byes.... Wow, post office hell up here in Woodingdean. Will go somewhere else from now on - life's too short (even though I just spent 2 minutes writing this)

manicmadness Allen

1 Google Rating

Says you have to pay for something to be able to top up gas on a card.

1/ 5

Says you have to pay for something to be able to top up gas on a card.

Ovidiu Filimon

2 Google Rating

He don't have pacience with customer,is not very polite after the English standard.

2/ 5

He don't have pacience with customer,is not very polite after the English standard.

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  • Sunday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Monday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
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