Feels more like a over priced child minding service.
Feels more like a over priced child minding service.
Cardiff Steiner School located at Hawthorn Road West, Cardiff CF14 2FL, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 029 2056 7986
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information – of Cardiff Steiner School by http://www.cardiffsteiner.org.uk/
Feels more like a over priced child minding service.
We have seen our daughter thrive in this kind, caring and stimulating environment. Everything is age-appropriate for the children, and not target-based. The emphasis is on creating an environment where each child can reach his or her full potential in a non-pressured, play-based way. After all, play behaviour evolved for the purpose of learning. The child's development is thought of as a whole, rather than concentrating on one particular aspect. Our daughter benefits greatly from the multi-cultural understanding within the school, where everybody brings something of value to the mix. She is brimming over with creativity, which has been actively encouraged by her Steiner education.
A wonderful, inspiring school. I have been amazed at the zest for leaning that this lovely small school has nurtured in my children.
I'm constantly astounded at the wonderful learning environment my son finds himself in every day he attends Cardiff Steiner School.
Great Christmas fair
Truly amazing school. My 9 year old daughter has struggled with low confidence for years but has absolutely thrived in the care of her teachers here. The day she tried blacksmithing, she talked about it all the way home. It's exactly what learning should be and I can't recommend it enough.
In my experience children who attend this school quickly become confident and resourceful, ready to solve problems and try new ideas and activities. It is a small caring school where children are respected and cherished. They grow curious about everything and keen to find out about whatever they come across, unafraid of whatever life might throw at them.
I absolutely love this school. We have chosen this as a path of education for our eldest son and the level of care, attention and guidance has made him thrive into this wonderful human being who has developed skills such as comprehension, empathy and independance. The Kindergarten team are so dedicated to nourishing each child as a whole and this has been evidential from the start. We cannot wait to watch him as he continues to grow within the school and for his younger brother to join him in time. Thank you!
This School is really impressive. It's the lowest price, best value private school there is. My daughter now loves going to school thanks to Cardiff Steiner School.
This is a learning institution on all levels. Adults and children are accepted for who they are.