Bramley Post Office located at 17 Bramley Centre, Leeds LS13 2ET, UK Book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by phone 0113 239 4558

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1 Review for Bramley Post Office leeds


1 Reviews


1.0/ 5

Lady, and I use that title loosely, was extremely rude and just couldn’t be bothered with any interaction. No smile, no thank you. Convenient, as I pass on my way to work, but I will never use again. Avoid!!

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Bramley Post Office leeds
Book rating: 1.0 5 1

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Amanda Mitchell

1 Google Rating

The wait time was herendous. No sorry for your wait nothing. I was greeted by "Yes!" very rude...the

1/ 5

The wait time was herendous. No sorry for your wait nothing. I was greeted by "Yes!" very rude...the only reason I used Bramley is because local P O where the staff were polite helpful and very customer friendly has closed down.Will not be using again..

Anthony Brown

5 Google Rating

Friendy staff. New shop looks great.

5/ 5

Friendy staff. New shop looks great.

John Smith

5 Google Rating

Really friendly staff.

5/ 5

Really friendly staff.

Zenex Fx

4 Google Rating


4/ 5


Ahmad Deba

5 Google Rating

5/ 5

Lidiya Holden

5 Google Rating

The Bramley Post office is the best and the most professional in the UK. I have been using it for 4

5/ 5

The Bramley Post office is the best and the most professional in the UK. I have been using it for 4 years.Really friendly and helpful staff. They are very polite and professional and will help in any way they can. I highly recommend using this post office..

Michelle Crowther

1 Google Rating

Very poor customer service skills. Like mentioned in previous reviews, lots of eye rolling, tutting,

1/ 5

Very poor customer service skills. Like mentioned in previous reviews, lots of eye rolling, tutting, sighing, the lady behind the counter never says hello, goodbye or thank you. I've had numerous occasions where I've asked for recorded delivery and staff have tried to charge me next day special delivery. I will be travelling to a different post office in future.


5 Google Rating

Needed advice on how best to send an important document through the post - as usual, the advice I wa

5/ 5

Needed advice on how best to send an important document through the post - as usual, the advice I was given was excellent.

Alex Courtman

5 Google Rating

Extremley friendly staff, always polite and as helpful as they can be. Bank here 3-4 times a week fo

5/ 5

Extremley friendly staff, always polite and as helpful as they can be. Bank here 3-4 times a week for work and its always a highlight of the day

liz ramsey

2 Google Rating

Its important to us in Bramley to have a post office, however the people who run the post office sho

2/ 5

Its important to us in Bramley to have a post office, however the people who run the post office should be polite and be happy to have customers. This is NOT the feeling you get when you come to Bramley, you are given the distinct impress you are a burden to these people, you are not met with a smile but are served grudingly. I am so suprised they are still in business.

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  • Sunday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Monday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Tuesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Wednesday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Thursday09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
  • Friday09:00 AM - 12:30 PM
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