1 Google Rating
Soulless and devoid of any humanity. Checkout woman asked for ID on 0% alcohol beers which I provid
Soulless and devoid of any humanity. Checkout woman asked for ID on 0% alcohol beers which I provided despite it being actually 0% (not 0.5% which does require ID) (drivers licence). My partner didn't have any (she wasn't buying it anyway). Again, why would you need any with 0% alcohol. Was told "we can't sell it to you". I took it to the self serve and was fine. Another member of staff simply shrugged when I mentioned that all the broccoli had mold on it. Members of the public are pretty awful too. I've seen fights break out for no reason. Some let their kid's piss in the aisles. Standing in a queue once and one woman thumped her child really hard. Nobody did anything. Awful place.