Arrow Security Shutters Ltd is located at Paragon Business Park, Chorley New Rd, Bolton, Horwich, Bolton BL6 6HG, UK, we aim to offer all our customers a great experience with Arrow Security Shutters Ltd and we would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

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Arrow Security Shutters Ltd bolton

Google Review

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ricky hart

5 Google Rating

Top company very help full nothing was ever a problem .if I was unsure about any thing the team was

5/ 5

Top company very help full nothing was ever a problem .if I was unsure about any thing the team was always there to give advice .as i am only just starting out on my own .I would recommend this company to any one even the owner MR Andrew Burke was just at the end of the phone if i required advice .also he gave advice regarding prices on supply only our his team fitting it for me .I have look at other company,s but this company was highly recommend by other builders I also visited jobs they had and done and ask the shops owners about the service the company supplied. and did they feel could the company had done any more for them. all I got was great feed back once again thanks to the whole team for all our help and advice .

Minesh Patel

5 Google Rating

Recently had a sectional door and also a roller shutter door fitted. The quality of the items are ve

5/ 5

Recently had a sectional door and also a roller shutter door fitted. The quality of the items are very good, easy to use and relatively quiet. The fitters were very polite, and very detailed in their installation in ensuring a good finish and balanced fitting. Would highly recommend this company

Tom Helsby

5 Google Rating

Had a shutter fitted a couple of weeks ago, excellent customer service and quick and reliable delive

5/ 5

Had a shutter fitted a couple of weeks ago, excellent customer service and quick and reliable delivery and fitting. Would definitely recommend!

Jake Howbridge

5 Google Rating

Excellent service all round. Had a roller garage door recently installed. Great customer service and

5/ 5

Excellent service all round. Had a roller garage door recently installed. Great customer service and top quality products. Arrived exactly on date and time agreed and work completed efficiently.

Michael Thomas

1 Google Rating

1/ 5

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